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Measurement questions

Measurement questions | form one Physics

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# Question

Mention two applications of density in daily life:

Short answers

The relative density of a body of density 8,000 kg/m3 is _________

Fill in blanks

Differentiate between mass and weight of an object. Give five differences.

Short answers

In a laboratory, the diameter of a piece of wire can accurately be measured by
A Vernier Calliper
B Micrometer screw gauge
C Engineer’s Calliper
D Rate meter
E A thread wound round it once.

Multiple choices

The aim of the experiment in Figure 1 is to determine the Young`s Modulus, Y of a wooden meter rule.

  1. Clamp a meter rule along the top of the bench with its graduated face upwards and with a length L about 85cm projecting beyond the edge of the bench. Record the length L.

measurement physics form one

  1. Attach the pointer to the free end of the meter rule and note its position X0 on a meter rule clamped vertically in retort stand when unloaded.
  2. Suspend a load M of 50g at a distance 1.0cm from the free end. Note the new position of X of the pointer and and then deduce the depression, d of the pointer on the meter rule scale.
  3. Repeat procedure (c) above for M equal to 100g, 150g, 200g and 250g.
  4. Tabulate your results
  5. Plot the graph of d against M.
  6. Find the slope, S of the graph.
  7. Use the Vernier caliper to measure the breadth, b and the thickness, t of the meter rule.
  8. Calculate Young`s Modulus for the wooden meter rule from the expression frac{Sb}{4g}=frac{1}{Y}	imes left ( frac{L}{t} 
ight )^{3}
  9. Mention two sources of errors and two precautions taken in this experiment


When using a measuring cylinder one precaution to be taken is to
A check for zero error
B look at the meniscus from below the level of the water
C obtain more readings by looking from more than one direction
D position the eye in line with the base of the meniscus
E make sure that the measuring cylinder is clean

Multiple choices

A vernier caliper is used to measure

  1. Distance of a car
  2. Diameter of a wire
  3. Mass of a car
  4. Length of a table

Multiple choices

Which instrument will you use to measure accurately the inside diameter of abottle neck?
A tape measure. B micrometer screw gauge.
C metre rule. D Vernier calipers.

Multiple choices

Which of the following statements is correct about mass?
A It is measured by beam balance
B It is measured by spring balance
C It varies with place
D It can be zero.

Multiple choices

A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure
A the volume of liquids. B the density of liquids.
C the density of solids. D the volume of solids.

Multiple choices