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Educational assessment and evaluation questions.

Educational assessment and evaluation questions.

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# Question

Which of the following statements about types of tests is FALSE?

  1. A test can be standardized and norm-referenced
  2. A test can be standardized and criterion-referenced
  3. A standardized test can be modified by classroom teachers
  4. A norm-referenced test can be used by classroom teachers.

Multiple choices

Discrimination power of an item is accepted when its value ranges from

  1. 0.3 to 1.0
  2. -0.5 to 0.50
  3. 0.2 to 0.80
  4. 0.0 to 0.80

Multiple choices

A good distracter of a multiple choice item is the one which is having the following characteristic:

  1. Attracts high achievers more than lower achievers
  2. Attracts low achievers more than high achievers
  3. Attracts equally the low and high achievers
  4. Attract the test wise students and those relying on guessing

Multiple choices

27% of the papers with highest scores=lowest scores=10. The number of high achievers (H) in question No.10 was 8 while the number of low achievers (L) was 3 for this item. What is the index of difficulty for this item number 10?.

  1. 0.5
  2. 0.25
  3. 0.1
  4. 0.55

Multiple choices

Your score in this examination of Educational Measurement and Evaluation (EDP 200) university examination is:

  1. Testing
  2. Assessment
  3. Measurement
  4. Evaluation

Multiple choices

The character of a test to discriminate between higher achievers and lower achievers is:

  1. Reliability
  2. Objectivity
  3. Validity
  4. Differentiability

Multiple choices

If for a distribution the difference of the first quartile and median is greater than difference of median and the third quartile than the distribution is classified as:

  1. Platykurtic
  2. Negative skewed
  3. Positive skewed
  4. Mesokurtic

Multiple choices

Summing (adding together) all the deviations from the mean produces the following value:

  1. The standard deviation of the set of scores
  2. Mean value of the set of scores
  3. 0(Zero)
  4. Variance of the set of scores

Multiple choices

Why does standard deviation formula have a square root as part of it?

  1. To make it add up to the mean
  2. To revise the effect of squaring the deviations
  3. To provide a standard (Mean=0, SD=1) unit of measure
  4. In order to calculate variance

Multiple choices

In a distribution in which student scores are highly skewed, which one of the following is true?

  1. Standard deviation  should never be used to report the spread of such scores
  2. Standard deviations are always the most appropriate measure to report such spread of scores
  3. Dependent upon the standard deviation values it may be appropriate to report the spread of such scores
  4. In this case standard deviation should be devided by the number of scores to obtain a more valid measure

Multiple choices