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Fundamentals of microbiology questions.

Fundamentals of microbiology questions.

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# Question
  1. Describe how virus replicates, explaining why are they regarded as non living entities
  2. Draw a detailed structure of a virus particle and describe variations of genome.

Short answers

There is an argument that in the absence of microorganisms , higher life forms would never have arisen and could not now be sustained. What are the bases for this argument?

Short answers
  1. Describe the main characteristics of brown algae
  2. Write a brief account on spore variations in fungi

Short answers
  1. Describe the characteristics of the following groups of fungi show the main distinct features.
  1. Sphaeropsidales
  2. Melanoconiales
  3. Moniliales
  1. What are the main differences between Mycoplasma and Rickettisia

Short answers
  1. With suitable illustrations describe reproductive cycles of the following groups of fungi.
  1. Oomycetes
  2. Ascomycetes
  3. Basidiomycetes
  1. Describe sexual conjugation in algae and show how it differs to binary fission.

Short answers
  1. Describe the genomic variations in viruses and discuss how virus replicates
  2. Describe the general growth of bacteria grown in culture and show how the following parameters can be derived
  1. Over-all growth rate
  2. Specific growth rate
  3. Generation time
  4. Doubling time

Long answers
  1. How will you convice someone that microorganisms support life on earth
  2. Describe the microbial aided nitrogen cycle.

Short answers

Select one microorganism of economical importance and write an essay of not more than 2 pages give details of its involvement including processes and biology.

Long answers

Compare the following pairs of terms

  1. Monotrichous vs Lophotrichous flagella in bacteria
  2. Sexual transformation vs sexual transduction in bacteria
  3. Rhodophytes vs Chromophyte algae
  4. Isogamentangia vs heterogamentangia in fungi
  5. Nitrification vs denitrification in nitrogen cycle

Short answers

Match statements in A to a corresponding statement in B.



  1. Sporangiospores
  2. Chitin
  3. Basidiomycetes
  4. Budding
  5. Hydrophytes


  1. Hypha
  2. Aquatic algae
  3. Yeast
  4. Dikaryon
  5. Rhizopus


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