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Medicines and medical supplies management questions.

Medicines and medical supplies management questions.

Find Medicines and medical supplies management university examination questions in acaproso.com

# Question

What are the LMIS tools?

Short answers

What are the issues to do so as to complete R and R forms?

Long answers

What is the definitions of the following;

  1. Pull system?
  2. Push system?

Short answers

What are the differences between the pull and push systems?

Long answers

What is the definition of eLMIS?

Short answers

What explanations can you give on eLMIS?

Short answers

How do you use eLMIS?

Long answers

Regarding consumption based method of medicines quantification

  1. ……… Need reliable inventory record
  2.  ……. Is useful method in prediction of future consumption
  3. …… Never lead into irrational use of medicines
  4. ……. No pipeline requirements
  5. …… Need wastage data

Multiple True/False

With regard to morbidity method of medicines quantification

  1. … can be used in quantification of medicines in new refugee camp
  2. … Data on population and patient attendance is crutial
  3. … Standard treatment guideline provide blue print
  4. … is useful in estimation of budget.
  5. … morbidity data is available for all diseases.

Multiple True/False