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Nutrition questions

Nutrition questions | form two Biology

Find Nutrition examination questions, form two Biology in acaproso.com

# Question

Carbon dioxide is needed by green plants but is given out by animals. Briefly explain the names and nature of the two processes involved.



Short answers

Describe the importance of photosynthesis to the living organisms

Short answers

A food sample X turned blue-black when iodine solution was added on to it. The conclusion is that sample X contained:
A Non reducing sugar.
B Reducing sugar.
C Starch.
D Protein.
E Lipid.

Multiple choices

Which of the following does not secrete digestive enzymes?
A Oesophagus.
B Pancreas.
C Stomach.
D Salivary glands.
E Ileum.

Multiple choices

Salting and freezing are some of the methods of food preservation.

True OR False

The ileum is the first part of the small intestine.

True OR False

 Which of the following is the most important basic difference between plants and animals?

  1.  Growth
  2. Movement
  3. Nutrition
  4. irritability.


Multiple choices

 In mammals, the organ which acts as a reservoir for carbohydrates is the

  1. pancrease
  2. liver
  3. spleen
  4. stomach.


Multiple choices

 The main product of photosynthesis is transported away from the leaves by the

  1. phloem
  2. xylem
  3. cortex
  4. veins.


Multiple choices

You have been provided with solution A. The solution contains various food substances.

  1. Use the chemicals and reagents provided to identify food substances present in Solution A . Tabulate your work as shown in table 1.
Food Tested Procedure Observations Inference
  1. state the importance of each food identified in (a) in the human body
  2. Give two types of food sources from which each food substance identified in (a) could have been extracted.
  3. One of the food substances identified in (a) is very important for children under five years.
  1. Name the disease which develops when the diet provided to a child lacks that food substance
  2. State the symptoms of a disease mentioned in in (d)(i). 
