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International agricultural trade questions.

International agricultural trade questions.

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# Question

Consumer taste and preference is important in determining trade flows thus the in-and out flow of resources from one country to another.

True OR False

While improved technology allows a country to consume more by moving  to a higher production possibilities curve, international trade allows a country to consume more without moving out existing production possibilities curve.

True OR False

Due to structural constraints in Africa , Bilateral trade agreements may not have significant effects to African access to developed  country markets.

True OR False

Food safety regulations by themselves are not trade barriers but they can become trade barriers if they are not scientifically justifiable.

True OR False

Trade disputes can be settled by dispute settlement schemes in WTO, but all claims must be scientifically researched and approved.

True OR False

Export subsidy is a trade policy that facilitate exporters in accessing export market thus protects domestic industry.

True OR False

With free trade importing country gains from trade because due to decrease in price consumer surplus is positive and larger than producers surplus.

True OR False

With free trade exporting country gains from trade because due to decrease in price producer surplus is positive and larger than consumer surplus.

True OR False

Both consumers and producers in a country will gain from trade as long as the trade is legal.

True OR False

When money is introduced in Ricardian model, the model fails to explain the role of comparative advantage in trading.

True OR False