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Introduction to agribusiness questions.

Introduction to agribusiness questions.

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# Question

Awareness of trends and practices in your society gives a way to businesses opportunities.

True OR False

cooperative is characterised by autonomy in establishment of legal entities

True OR False

Business plan is the base to compensate inexperiences in agribusiness operations

True OR False

Tumaini jema is a community based initiative supporting pineapple production at nyakashozi village within karagwe District in kagera region. The initietive is working hand to hand with smallholders` farmers to produce organic pineapples. Its major activities include training farmers on organic farming practice, certification and offering extension services.

The success of this initiative has been a challenge for the future of pineapple production industry within the locality, as resulted to massive production of the product.

Currently the initiative is thinking on taking the pineapple production to the next level through establishing dry fruits processing plant and engaging in fresh pineapple export.

You as an expert in agribusiness advice Tumaini Jema accordingly, with strong reasons which forms of business is /are appropriate for this new community initative  for pineapple products marketing.

Long answers
  1. An idea becoms an opportunity only when it has the potential to be viable. Discuss critically this argument.
  2. What entrepreneurship does and does not to agribusiness sector?

Long answers

When a business plan is a business paln? Discuss.

Long answers

How far is true about the argument that Agriculture drives Agribusiness.

Long answers

Agriculture is a risky and uncertain business to venture in, as a result scares many entrepreneurs trying to invest on agricultural commodities. Briefly and to the point discuss with relevant  examples that could make agribusiness a lucrative business.

Long answers