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Introduction to biology questions

Introduction to biology questions | form one Biology

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# Question

In the Biology laboratory there are different apparatuses and equipment used for conducting experiments. Draw the apparatus used for:

(a) putting specimens for close observation.
(b) grinding or crushing substances in the laboratory.
(c) adding liquids during an experiment drop by drop.
(d) scooping powder or crystalline substances.

Short answers

(a) Differentiate the term “Biological apparatus” from “Biology Laboratory”.
(b) Briefly explain why the following substances are dangerous?

(i)Toxic substances
(ii)Highly flammable
(iii)Corrosive substances
(iv)Radioactive substances.

Short answers

(a) Why schools should have a Biology laboratory? Give a reason.
(b) State six laboratory rules.

Short answers

The aim of experiment in the scientific investigation is to
A identify the problem
B test the hypothesis
D predict the results
E collect data. C confirm the problem

Multiple choices

Which group represents only the living things?

  1. Dog, frog,stone and lizard
  2. Soil, water, mushroom and bee
  3. Bee, moss, mushroom and frog
  4. Moss, soil, mushroom and lizard
  5. Lizard, mushroom, water and soil

Multiple choices