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Economic development and planning questions.

Economic development and planning questions.

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# Question

Match the concepts in column 1 with terms in column 2 by writing the letter of the matching item , given example 1. -J

Column 1 COlumn 2


  1. Pinapple
  2. Lewis (1954) growth model
  3. The neo-colonial dependence model
  4. The Harrod-Domar model
  5. Endegenous growth model
  6. Linear Stages of Growth Model
  7. Neoclassical counter revolution
  8. Developed countries
  9. Development
  10. Underdevelopment
  11. MDG


  1. Growth of industrial sector
  2. Reduce poverty
  3. Faster pace of innovation plus investment in human capital
  4. Mobilization of domestic and foreign savings
  5. Corruption , inefficiency, and a lack of economic incentives
  6. Industrialization
  7. Improved welfare
  8. Low life expectancy
  9. Economic growth depends on saving and investing
  10. Fruit
  11. The world can be thought of as divided into the “center” and the “periphery”

Matching items

The growth of some developing economies generally has not been very satisfactory in the last decade. Identify and discuss 4 key determinants of economic growth.

Short answers

The linear stages of growth models as defined in economic development literature have major strengths and weaknesses in defining the process of economic growth. Identify two main criticisms of this model of economic growth.

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Despite all the diversity , less developed countries are linked together by a range of common characteristics. Identify and discuss four of these characteristics.

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Poverty reduction has emerged as the main objective of development in Africa. Discuss this statement using 2 well elaborated bulleted points.

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Traditionally economic development was seen as requiring a rapid structural transformation of the economy. Discuss with reference to relevant economic development theory.

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The dual economy models popular in development economics in the 1960s and 1970s (e.g Lews)(1954) typically featured agriculture as a modern subsistence sector.

True OR False

Population growth: does it hinder or accelerate economic growth?( Explain your answer using two precise key points).

Short answers

Describe using 2 well elaborated key points the three-sector economic theory of development .

Short answers

Classical development economists see underdevelopment as having a single cause. Using one key point describe the  single cause of underdevelopment as emphasized in the linear stage growth models.

Short answers