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Electronic commerce questions.

Electronic commerce questions.

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# Question

One of the properties of Digital cash is irretrievability.

True OR False

Electronic or digital cash combines computerized convenience with security and privacy that improve on paper cash. Despite the fact that many years have passed since the development in electronic payment systems, cash is still the most prevalent consumer payment instrument. Briefly explain in point form.

Short answers

It has been commented that the web is, by turn the most public of places and the most private of places. Briefly explain.

Short answers

Write the long form of the following acronyms and abbreviations as used in electronic commerce

  1. MIME
  2. DNS
  3. SHTTP
  4. HTML
  5. EDI
  6. JPEG
  7. FTP
  8. ICANN
  9. SSL
  10. IMAP

Short answers

What is a public key Cryptography? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Short answers

Write short notes on the

  1. Cookies
  2. Firewall

Short answers

What is electronic cash? Write the properties of electronic cash.

Short answers

Explain the application of E-Commerce in the following fields

  1. Home banking
  2. Home shopping

Short answers

Briefly describe the TCP/IP architecture.

Short answers

Differentiate between the following terms as used in e-commerce

  1. Web and internet
  2. Anchor and page link

Short answers