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Application of statistics questions

Application of statistics questions | form three Geography

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# Question

State the differences between the following types of data:
(a) Discrete and continuous.
(b) Single and grouped.

Short answers

Read carefully the hypothetical data presented below and then answer the questions that follow. Cash crops production in Tanzania in ‘000 tonnes.

YEARS Types of Cash Crop
Coffee Cotton Tea
1990 200 100 300
1991 150 130 200
1992 120 100 100

(a) Represent data bove using a compound bar graph.
(b) How is the compound bar graph of value to you? Give three (3) points.
(c) Comment on the trend of production as observed from the graph.

Short answers

Read carefully the climatic data for station A presented in the Table and answer the questions that follow:

Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp in ºC 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6 27.2 27.7 28.3 28.3 27.7 27.7
Rainfall mm 233 228 244 215 118 91 36 36 51 104 140 196

(i) Describe the climatic conditions of station A.
(ii) Name any two countries in the Great Lakes of East Africa which experience this type of climatic conditions.
(iii) Present the data graphically.

Short answers

Data in the following table show the enrolment of Form One students at Mji Mpya Secondary School from 2006 to 2010. Carefully study them and answer the questions that follow.

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Number of
220 200 150 180 205

(a) Present the data by using simple bar graph.
(b) Comment on the trend of the enrolment.
(c) Explain the advantages of the method you have used in (a) above.

Short answers

Carefully study the hypothetical data presented below showing the export of crops from Tanzania.

The Export of Crops in Tonnes

Year Cloves Sisal Cotton
1990 4000 3500 7000
1991 2500 2000 4500
1992 3500 1500 6000
1993 6000 1000 8500
1994 6500 1500 9000

(a) Present the data using compound bar graph.
(b) Explain two advantages and disadvantages of compound bar graph.

Short answers

(a) Explain the meaning of the standard deviation.
(b) Study the following data showing the age of the Primary School pupils at Tumaini Primary School and answer the questions that follow: 15, 8, 7, 6, 12, 5, 14 and 13.
(i) Determine the range and median of the age of the pupils.
(ii) Calculate the standard deviation.

Mathematical Calculation

The table below shows agricultural production in Tanzania from 2000 to 2006 in `000 tonnes.

CROPS 2000 2001 2002 2003
Maize 65 35 60 70
Tobacco 25 30 20 25
Coffee 50 60 45 45

(a) Present the data by using a grouped line graph.
(b) Comment on the nature of production.

Short answers

Carefully study the following statistical graph showing coffee production (in tonnes) in Tanzania, from 2011 to 2014 and answer the questions that follows:

application of statistics form three geography

(a) Describe the type of statistical graph used.
(b) Analyse the five procedures involved in constructing such a statistical graph.
(c) Giving two points, comment on the differences in coffee production shown in the graph.
(d) Give three advantages of presenting data by using the type of graph described in (a).

Short answers

(a) Give three differences between interview and observation.
(b) Outline four merits of library research.

Short answers

Carefully study the weather data for a station in Australia and answer the questions that follow.

Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp(°C) 28.3 27.5 28.5 29 26.7 26 26 25 24 26 27 28
Rainfall (mm) 380 330 240 175 170 5 2.5 2.2 17 50 210 230
  1. Calculate the annual mean temperature for the station.
  2. Determine the rainfall range.
  3. Find the temperature mode and median.
  4. Comment on the relationship between temperature and rainfall for the station.
  5. Giving two examples, show the application of the data in the daily life.

Mathematical Calculation