Classification of living things questions | form four Biology
Find Classification of living things examination questions, form four Biology in
# | Question |
1 | Presence of placoid scales is a distinguishing characteristic of glass
Multiple choices |
2 | Which of the following criteria could be used to separate planarians and tapeworms into different classes?
Multiple choices |
3 | You have been provided with specimens T1, T2 and T3
Practical |
4 | You are provided with specimens A, B, C,D and E
Practical |
5 | List any three characteristics of the Phylum Arthropoda. Short answers |
6 | (i) Mention the Classes of the Phylum Arthropoda Short answers |
7 | Reptiles differ from birds because:
Multiple choices |
8 | (a) Some insects are harmful and some are useful to man. Argue for this statement by giving three examples for each. Short answers |
9 | The following organisms belong to the phylum Arthropoda:Mosquito,scorpion, grasshopper, crab, millipede, termite,beetle, spider, butterfly, tick, centipede,prawn, cockroach, moth and housefly. This phylum is further divided into five(5) classes;
Short answers |
10 | In which Phylum do filarial worms belong? Multiple choices |