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Current electricity questions

Current electricity questions | form two Physics

Find Current electricity examination questions, form two Physics in acaproso.com

# Question

The quantity of electric current caused by excess electrons is called
      A. coulomb

  1. electric charge
  2. electric current
  3. electrification.

Short answers

The SI unit of electric charge is:
A. ampere
B. coulomb
C. ohm
D. second

Short answers

The materials which allow electricity and heat to pass freely are termed as:
A. conductors
B. insulators
C. semi conductors
D. semi insulators

Short answers

Ohm is the SI unit of:
A. conductance
B. electric current
C. potential difference
D. upthrust and weight

Short answers

One of the following is a method of electrification:
A. charging by induction
B. charging by insulation
C. charging by conduction
D. charging by convection

Short answers

A current of 0.2A flows through a resistor of 20Ω. The p.d. across the resistor is:
A. 0.4V
B. 4V
C. 40V
D. 100V

Short answers

Current electricity is measured in:
A. amperes
B. coulombs
C. ohms
D. volts

Short answers

The resistance of a lamp operating on a line of m volts and drawing a current of n amperes is
A. n/m ohms.
B. n ohms.
C. mn ohms.
D. m/n ohms.

Short answers

An ammeter is an instrument for measuring:
A. Length.
B. Resistance.
C. Capacitance.
D. Current.

Short answers

A body which gains excess electrons becomes:
A. Negatively charged
B. Positively charged
C. Electrified
D. Both A and B are correct

Short answers