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Database as information systems questions

Database as information systems questions | form three Information and Computer Studies

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# Question

In database , tables have records which are columns and fields which are rows.

True OR False

Database keeps all the information in a file about one person, thing and event.

True OR False

Give four disadvantages of traditional databases.

Short answers
  1. Create a Database called STAFF SALARIES
  2. Create a Database within the database called HIGH GRADE SALARIES with the following details
NKOMO REASON Health Paramedics 012b4 Male $55,000
DUBE MIKE Transport Logistics 024v2 Male $56,000
MOYO SMILE Education Planning 022c2 Female $57,000
MUKANYA THANDO Education Curriculum 031d2 Female $58,000
HOVE STANFORD Information Mobile Film 021z3 Male $60,000
PHIRI CONSTAIN Technology Sciences 032c4 Male $64,000
WENGE KETINA Justice Constitutional Law 041m2 Female $68,000
ZISO MARTHA Mines Survey 014d7 Female $72,000
GUNDA KUDA Health Pharmaceuticals 055t6 Female $88,000
  1. Insert column AGES after Gender
  1. Delete all records related to Wenge
  1. Sort in Ascending Order of Surname
  2. Create a report of Staff Salaries and Name the Report as “Staff Report”
  3. Insert the Current date as the header of the report created in (f) above
  4. Create a Form which includes the current time and date


The following table gives information on some staff members of a computer school called “ACAPROSO ACADEMY”. Use the information given to perform the given tasks (a)-(h).

Database as information questions form three ICT exams

  1. Design a suitable database to manage the information presented in the table , name it as “EMPLOYEE DATABASE”.
  2. Create a table using design view and enter the records above. Name it “EMPLOYEE TABLE”.
  3. Create a query displaying all the fields in the table above to filter out only employees from the information department. Save it as “INFORMATION DEPARTMENT”.
  4. Create a query that wolud retrieve records of people who were born between 1/1/1940 and 3/7/1960, save a query as “BBC”.
  5. The academy`s retirement age is 55 years. Create a query to filter out the employees whose ages are above 55 years. Name it “RETIREMENT AGE”.
  6. Create a form of the employee who are in retirement age. Save it as “RETIREMENT FORM”.
  7. Use the employee table to group the records by department , and create a report which include the current date and time in the header. Save it as “REPORT BY DEPARTMENT”.
  8. Print your Document.


The following tables show books kept in a certain library. Read the tables carefully and answer the questions that follows;

Table 1: Library Books

Code Number Title Author`s Name Book returned (Br) or Book borrowed (Bb) Borrower Number Date Due Back
142 Kalulu S.Tott Bb 1230 20 Oct 2011
820 ICS book one S. Mburu Bb 1420 6 Apr 2011
403 Comp. Science T. Chemwa Br 642 2 May 2011
500 B/Maths TIE Br 462 1 May 2011

Table 2: Borrowers

Borrower`s Number Borrower`s Name Borrower`s Address Borrower`s Phone Numbers
1230 Leah Mud P.O.Box 234, Lindi 065-437328
1420 John Komgo P.O.Box 56, Dar es salaam 077-126798

Using a database management system program (Microsoft Office Access);

  1. Create a table of books called Library Books, use the information given in Table 1.
  2. Create another table of borrowers called Library Borrowers. Use the information given in Table2
  3. Sort the records in part (a) in ascending order of borrowers number
  4. Create a query called “greater than 1000” with field: Code Number, Title, Name of author, Book returned and date due back, showing borrowers` numbers that are above 1000.
  5. Create a query , showing only books returned (Br) and the names of the author. Save the query as “Br query”.
  6. Create a relationship between the tables created above.
  7. Create a report of library borrower in (b) above and name the report as “Borrowers report”.
  8. insert the current date as the header of the report created in (g) above.
  9. Create a form which includes the current time and date using the table created in part (a) above, Save your form as “Books form”.
  10. Save your database as “Library database”.
