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Electronics questions

Electronics questions | form six Physics

Find Electronics examination questions, form six Physics in acaproso.com

# Question
  1. Draw the symbol of n-p-n transistor
  2. Distinguish between insulators, semi-conductors and metals as far as conduction is concerned.

Short answers
  1. Distinguish between metals and semi-conductors in terms of energy bands.
  2. Briefly discuss the formation of potential difference barrier (depletion layer) of a p-n-p junction diode.
  3. What is a rectifier?
  4. Using p-n junction diodes, draw the arrangement of a full -wave rectifier and briefly explain how it works

Short answers

What are the four important properties of semiconductors?

Short answers

If the resistivity of n-type germanium is 0.01Ω m at room temperature, find the donor
concentration given that the mobility of electrons is 0.39m​2​ /volt sec.

Mathematical Calculation

Figure 4 (i) and (ii) shows a transistor circuit and the relationship between the input Vi voltage and output voltage V​o​ ​ respectively.

Figure 4 (i) and (ii) shows a transistor circuit and the relationship between the input V.​ i voltage and output voltage V​ o​ ​ respectively.

(i) What will be the output voltage when L is connected to M?
(ii) How the circuit can be used as switching circuit?

Mathematical Calculation

Briefly explain the transfer characteristic of an operational amplifier.

Short answers

Why transistors can not be used as rectifiers?

Short answers

In NPN transistor circuit the collector current is 5mA. If 95% of the emitted electrons
reach the collector region, calculate the base current.

Mathematical Calculation

What causes damage to transistors?

Short answers

Construct the truth table for the circuit diagram shown in Figure3.

Construct the truth table for the circuit diagram shown in Figure 3.

Mathematical Calculation