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Financial institutions questions

Financial institutions questions | form six Economics

Find Financial institutions examination questions, form six Economics in acaproso.com

# Question
  1. “Tanzania foreign exchange system is the liberalized foreign exchange regime.” Justify this statement by giving five points.
  2. Describe the roles played by the following types of financial institutions existing in Tanzania
  1. Central bank
  2. Commercial banks
  3. Specialized banks
  4. Saving banks
  5. Cooperative banks


Long answers
  1. Evaluate five factors which limit the process of credit creation of the commercial banks in Tanzania.
  2. Examine five functions of the Bank of Tanzania which promote economic growth of the country.


Short answers

Summarize three strengths and weaknesses of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) operating in Tanzania.


Short answers
  1. “The more liquid an asset is the less profitable it becomes.” Justify this contention by devising five ways used by the commercial banks to reconcile the two conflicting motives of liquidity and profitability.
  2. Describe how each of the following monetary policy instruments works to control money supply in the economy:
  1. Open market operations.
  2. Bank rate or discount rate.
  3. Reserve requirement ratio.
  4. Selective credit control.
  5. Moral suasion.


Long answers

Describe the roles played by the following types of financial institutions existing in Tanzania.

  1. Central Bank
  2. Commercial banks
  3. Specialized banks
  4. Saving banks
  5. Cooperative banks

Long answers
  1. Elaborate six poblems facing FInancial institutions in Tanzania
  2. Outline four contributions of the BAnk of Tanzania (B.O.T) to the country (Tanzania) economic development.

Long answers