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Map reading and map interpretation questions

Map reading and map interpretation questions | form three Geography

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# Question

Study the map extract of Kigoma sheet 92/3 and answer the following questions.
(a) Outline the importance of scale in a map.
(b) Measure the distance of the railway line.
(c) Calculate the area of Lake Tanganyika.
(d) What factors have influenced the location of Kigoma town?
(e) Explain the main socio-economic activities carried out in the area.

Map Reading


Study the map extract of Korogwe sheet 129/2 and answer the following questions:
(a) A taxi driver was moving from grid reference 340328 to a filling station at grid reference
421305. Find the distance covered in kilometres.
(b) Convert the linear scale given from the map into statement scale.
(c) Show the relief features to guide the tourists visiting the mapped area.
(d) With evidence, suggest four (4) economic activities of the people living in the area
represented by the given map.
(e) Give three (3) reasons which have encouraged people to establish the settlement.
(f) Identify the main features found at grid references shown below.
(i) 420227
(ii) 350367
(iii) 426304
(iv) 384295

Map reading


Carefully study the map extract of Galula provided then answer the following questions.
(a) Calculate the area of the forest in Km 2 north of northings 450.
(b) Calculate the length of River Ipwizi in Kilometres from grid reference 150508 to grid
reference 125435.
(c) Find the bearing of Tete Village (grid reference 127506) from Ifwekenye village (grid
reference 160460).
(d) Describe the main physical features found in the area.
(e) With evidence, show the main economic activities.

Map Reading


Carefully study the map extract of Malampaka (sheet 49/1) provided and answer the following questions:
(a) Calculate the area covered by seasonal swamps in Km 2 .
(b) Explain the distribution of natural vegetation.
(c) How long in kilometres is river Ng’hulu from grid reference 625496 to grid reference 700522?
(d) Identify any three ways which have been used to represent relief in the area.
(e) Through giving evidence, explain any four economic activities that might be taking place in the area.

map reading


Study the printed map extract of Korogwe (Series Y742 sheet 129/2), then answer the following questions:
(a) Describe the relief of the mapped area.
(b) Calculate the area of the whole map of Korogwe in Km 2 by using grid squares.
(c) Examine the settlement patterns of the area.
(d) Express the scale of the map into statement scale.

Map Reading


Study the printed map extract of Kigoma (Series Y742 sheet 92/3), then answer the following questions:
(a) By using the vertical scale of 1cm to 20m, draw a cross section from grid reference 91057 to grid reference 932620 and determine its Vertical Exaggeration (V.E).
(b) With vivid evidence from the map, mention the major types of transport shown in the area.
(c) Apart from fishing activities, use concrete evidence to name other economic activities taking place in the area.
(d) In which hemisphere is the mapped area located? Give evidence for your answer.

Map Reading


Study the printed map extract of Songwe River (sheet 244/3), then answer the following questions:
(a) Calculate the area covered by forest in km 2 by using grid square method.
(b) Measure the length of railway line form grid references 040118 to 130122.
(c) Describe the nature of the relief of the area.

Map reading songwe River


Study the map extract of Kasamwa (sheet 32/4), then answer the questions that follow:

Kasamwa sheet - map reading and interpretation questions form three geography

(a) Identify two ways that have been used to show relief on the map.
(b) Draw a relief section to connect Nyabubele Hill at 383834 and Bungwe Hill at 430825.
(c) Identify the length of the allweather road in km from grid reference 315844 to 443940.
(d) Find the bearings of Chabulongo Hill at 367917 to a school at Nyamahuna 349818.



Carefully study the map Extract of Kashozi sheet 3/2 provided then answer the following questions.
(a) Find the area covered by the lake in Km 2 .
(b) Determine the length of the shore line from 753700 to 740640.
(c) Name the feature found at grid reference 615644.
(d) Explain the pattern and distribution of settlements in the area.
(e) What economic activities are undertaken in this area?

Map reading -kaishozi


Carefully study the map Extract of LINDI provided, and then answer the following questions.

Lindi Sheet - Map Reading and Interpretation questions form three geography

(a) Explain the possible reasons for the uneven population distribution in the area.
(b) How long in Kilometers is the Lindi-Nachingwea allweather road (bound surface).
(c) Giving two evidence from the map, name the type of climate experienced in this area.
(d) How big in Km2 is the area covered by the forest south of grid line 160?

