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Matching items questions.

Matching items questions | o-level Physics

Find Matching items examination questions o-level Physics in acaproso.com

# Question

Match the following items in section A with that of section B

Section A Section B
  • Temperature
  • Revolution of the earth
  • Precipitation
  • Mars
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Uranus
  • Ocean ridge
  • Equator and Meridian
  • Ocean Trenches
  • International date line
  1. FOURTH planet from the sun
  2. Raised part of the ocean floor
  3. Longitude 180°
  4. Rain gauge
  6. Barometer
  7. One year
  8. Ocean deep valley
  9. Great circle
  10. Thermometer

Multiple choices

Match the items in list A with the most corresponding items in list B

List A List B
  1. Sun
  2. Mercury
  3. Absolute humidity
  4. Comets
  5. Economic geography
  • The biggest moon
  • Deals with the human economic activities
  • Are the hardest body in the sky
  • A piece of hard matter falling from the outer space
  • Amount of humidity in a given cubic metre
  • The furthest planet from the sun
  • Is the biggest star
  • Is the nearest planet from the sun
  • The amount of humidity in the atmosphere
  • Bodies with leading brighting heads

Matching items

Match the items in List A and those in List B

List A List B
  • Principle of personal hygiene
  • Method of west disposal
  • Is the food storage organ for ginger
  • Structure that is found only in plant cell
  • Human being
  • a mascular ring-like valve which regulates the movement of food from the stomach into the small intestine
  • Association where by some organisms benefit while some are harmed
  • Movement of water molecules through semi-permeable membrane
  • Bacterial and blue-green algae
  • Oxygen is used to break down glucose
  1. Kingdom Protocista
  2. Kingdom Monera
  3. Parasitism
  4. Mutualism
  5. Cell membrane
  6. Cell wall
  7. Aerobic respiration
  8. Anaerobic respiration
  9. Covering mouth
  10. Brushing teeth
  11. Cardiac sphincter
  12. Pyloric sphincter
  13. Recycling
  14. Sun drying
  15. Osmosis
  16. Diffusion
  17. Rhizomes
  18. Stem-tuber
  19. Homo sapiens

Matching items

The following statements show a vitamin and an effect caused by its deficiency. which is the best match?

  • Vitamin A------------------Skin is dry and scaly
  • Vitamin B----------------Loss of appetite and yawning
  • Vitamin D---------------Bones are soft and deformed
  • Vitamin C---------------Anemia and high blood pressure

Multiple choices

Match the following items

Column A  Column B
  • The removal of feaces through the anus
  • A salivary gland found in the cheeks infront of the ears
  • The sphincter valve between the oesophagus and the stomach
  • The breakdown of lipids into tiny droplets
  • An enzyme that coagulates casein into an insoluble curd
  • The fingerlike projections found in small intestines
  • Manufacture their own food
  • Depend on dead organic matter
  • Depend on living organisms
  • Depend on synthesized organic matter from other organisms
  1. Autotrophs
  2. Saprophytes
  3. Parasites
  4. Villus
  5. Heterotrophs
  6. Pyloric sphincter
  7. Cardiac sphincter
  8. Parotid gland
  9. Pepsin
  10. Rennin
  11. Ingestion
  12. Egestion
  13. Fatty acids and glycerol
  14. Emulsification


Matching items

Match the items of list A with those of list B

  • Give positive test with benedict solution
  • Disease causing organism
  • An instrument used for observation of microorganisms
  • Minerals required by plants in small quatities
  • Autotrophs
  • Photolysis
  • Deficiency disease of vitamin D
  • The scientific name of donkey
  • Characteristics of virus
  • Classification based on few observable features
  1. Equus asinus
  2. Souny
  3. Ricketstificial
  4. Artificial classification
  5. Living and non-living
  6. Reducing sugar
  7. Microscope
  8. Microelements
  9. Manufacture their own food
  10. Splitting of water using energy from light
  11. Pathogens
  12. starch


Matching items

Match the following items in list A with those in list B

List A  List B
  • Has variety of reading materials
  • Has desks and chairs
  • By hearing the sound
  • By smelling
  • By tasting
  • By seeing
  • The study of plants
  • A person who study science
  • Designed for conducting experiments
  • The study of animals and plants
  1. Biology
  2. Eyes
  3. Nose
  4. Botany
  5. Biologist
  6. Scientist
  7. Laboratory
  8. Tongue
  9. Ear
  10. Library
  11. Classroom
  12. Zoologist


Matching items

Match the items in List A with those in list B

List A

List B
  • The ability of the body to resist infectious diseases
  • The main nitrogeneous product excreted by mammals
  • Site of photosynthesis
  • A falty material that insulates the neuron
  • Non communicable reproductive track disease.
  • The period of growth and development of a fetus in the uterus of a mammal
  • The observable characteristics of an organism which are genetically controlled
  • The image behind the retina
  • Organisms whose body temperature vary according to the surrounding
  • Deamination of amino acids and urea formation.
  1. Liver
  2. Kidney
  3. Poiklothermic
  4. Homoethermic
  5. Myopia
  6. Hypermetropia
  7. Gestation
  8. Implantation
  9. Myelin shealth
  10. Node of ranvier
  11. Genotype
  12. Phenotype
  13. Immunity
  14. Vaccination
  15. Chloroplast
  16. Mitochondria
  17. uric acid
  18. Urea
  19. Gonorrhea
  20. malaria


Matching items

The following statement show a vitamin and the effect caused by its deficiency, which is the best match?

  • Vitamin A → skin is dry and scaly
  • Vitamin B → loss of appetite and yawning
  • Vitamin D → bone is soft and deformed
  • Vitamin C → anemia and high blood pressure

Multiple choices

Match the items in list A with those in list B

List A List B
  • Crest
  • Parent rock
  • Drainage
  • Rotation
  • Pangaea
  1. arrangement of water bodies on the  earth
  2. lower part of the wave
  3. movement of one body around another
  4. major land mass rising from the ocean floor
  5. spinning of a body on it`s axis
  6. first land mass surrounded by water body
  7. large rock producing the small one
  8. strip of the land that meet the sea
  9. factor for soil formation
  10. seasonal movement of water on the land
  11. highest part of the wave
  12. removal or movement of water on the land


Matching items