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Our nation questions

Our nation questions | form one Civics

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# Question

African Child Day is celebrated on 16, June every year in memory of
A OAU birth day
B Rivonia Trial
C Sharpeville Massacre
D Soweto Massacre
E Samora Machael’s assassination.

Multiple choices

Define the following concept and give two points on its importance.

>National currency

Short answers

Define the following concept and give two points on its importance

>National symbols

Short answers

Define the following concept and give two points on its importance

>National language

Short answers

Match the explanations in ​ List A with the correct component of Coat of Arms in ​ List B by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.


(i)Represents national heritage in terms of wildlife.

(ii)Represents readiness of people to defend the nation.

(iii)Represents national sovereignty.

(iv) Symbol of freedom and enlightenment.

(v)Represents tools used by peasants and farmers.


  1. Axe and hoe
  2. Peak of Mount  Kilimanjaro
  3. Uhuru torch
  4. Elephant tusks
  5. Sea waves
  6. National flag
  7. Shield and spear
  8. A man and woman


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