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Photograph interpretation questions

Photograph interpretation questions | form five Geography

Find Photograph interpretation examination questions, form five Geography in acaproso.com

# Question

Study carefully the following photograph and answer the questions that follow:

Photograph interpretation form five geography

(a) Name the type of photograph.
(b) Explain three basic techniques for interpreting the type of the photograph named in (a) above.
(c) Identify the major economic activity that might take place in the area.
(d) Describe four factors that favour development of the major economic activity in (c) above.
(e) Briefly describe the natural causes of loss of biodiversity in the area.
(f) With evidences from the photograph, describe parts of the given photograph.
(g) Name three possible places in Tanzania where the photograph might have been taken.

Short answers

Describe the usefulness of photographs in obtaining field information.

Short answers

What are the advantages of oblique air photographs over vertical air photographs?

Short answers
  1. Determine the scale of an aerial photograph shot over the area lying at 912 metres above the sea level by an aircraft flying at an altitude of 3925 metres if the focal length of the camera was 152 mm.
  2. What are the main features of aerial photographs?

Mathematical Calculation

Study carefully the following photograph and answer the questions that follow:

Photograph interpretation geography form five

(a) Name the type of photograph.
(b) Explain three basic techniques for interpreting the type of the photograph named in (a) above.
(c) Identify the major economic activity that might take place in the area.
(d) Describe four factors that favour development of the major economic activity in (c)  above.
(e) Briefly describe the natural causes of loss of biodiversity in the area.
(f) With evidences from the photograph, describe parts of the given photograph.
(g) Name three possible places in Tanzania where the photograph might have been taken.

  1. Explain five techniques for analyzing ground photography.
  2. Briefly explain the following terms:

(i) Photo mosaic.
(ii) Stereoscope.
(iii) Camera station.
(iv) Principal point.


Long answers

(a) Explain the types of vertical aerial photographs.
(b) Describe why aerial photographs appear difficult in interpretation.

Long answers

(a) Explain four aspects to consider before analyzing the contents of a ground level photograph.
(b) Find the scale of the photograph when two landmarks shown on the photograph can be located on 1:25000 scale of topographical map. The measured distance between the landmarks is 47.2 mm on the map and 94 mm on the photograph.
(c) Outline four disadvantages of aerial photographs.

Long answers

Carefully study the photograph below and then answer the questions that follows

Photograph form five geography

(a) What type of photograph is this?
(b) With evidence, identify two economic activities which are carried out in the area.
(c) Give four factors which might have influenced the economic activities identified in (b).
(d) Identify two environmental problems which are likely to face the area.
(e) At what time was the photograph taken? Give a reason for your answer.
(f) Comment on the scale of production.
(g) Name the crop shown in the photograph.
(h) Suggest the stage of production of the crop shown in the photograph.
(i) Describe the relief features seen in the photograph.


Carefully study the photograph below and then answer the questions that follows:


(a) What type of photograph is this?
(b) Identify three types of economic activities which are carried out in the area. Give evidence for each activity.
(c) Give four factors which might have influenced the economic activities mentioned in (b).
(d) Giving a reason, identify two environmental problems which are likely to face the area.
(e) At what time was the photograph taken? Give reasons for your answer.
