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Population and development questions

Population and development questions | form six Geography

Find Population and development examination questions, form six Geography in acaproso.com

# Question

Briefly describe the following terms as used in demography.

  1. Fecundity
  2. Infant mortality rate
  3. Natural population growth
  4. Stationary population pyramid
  5. Sex ratio

Long answers

Population explosion is the result of interplay of a number of factors. Explain the validity of the statement.

Long answers

Describe nine strategies for manpower mobilization in Tanzania.

Long answers

Examination eight causes and four negative impact of migration to both the area of origin and destination.

Long answers
  1. What are the negative impact of high fertility rate in a given country? (Provide four points).
  2. Explain six goals of National Population Policy in Tanzania.

Long answers

Identify the indicators of an overpopulated country. Give eight points.

Long answers

Analyse seven measures to be taken in checking the fast growing fertility rate in Africa.

Long answers

Justify that population policy in Tanzania is not effective. Give eight points.

Long answers
  1. Define the following terms related to demography
  1. Population pressure
  2. Total fertility rate
  3. Crude birth rate
  4. Crude death rate.
  1. Explain the social, economic and cultural factors influencing mortality rate in Tanzania.

Long answers

Providing eight points, account for high fertility rate in Tanzania.

Long answers