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Radioactivity questions

Radioactivity questions | form four Physics

Find Radioactivity examination questions, form four Physics in acaproso.com

# Question

Complete the following equations and for each name the type of decay.
(i) _{88}^{226}	extrm{Ra}
ightarrow ----- +_{86}^{222}	extrm{Rn}
(ii) _{86}^{222}	extrm{Rn}
ightarrow 	extrm{2}_{-1^{e}}^{0} + --------

Short answers

What is meant by radioactive decay?

Short answers

Give two effects of beta (β) particle on the nucleus of an atom.

Short answers

Define the term isotope of an element.

Short answers

The half-life of a certain radioactive substance is 64 days. Explain the meaning of this statement.

Short answers

A certain radioactive material has a half-life of 2 minutes. If the initial count rate is 256 per minute;
(i) how long does it take to reach a count rate of 32 per minute?
(ii) what fraction of the original number of atoms is left undecayed?

Short answers

What is meant by nuclear fission?

Short answers

A uranium nucleus, U-238, with atomic number 92, emits two α-particles and two β-particles and finally forms a thorium (Th) nucleus. Write the nuclear equation for this process.

Short answers

Define the following terms:
(i) binding energy.
(ii) thermonuclear fusion.

Short answers

A sample containing 400 g of iodine-131 has a half-life of 8 days. How much of the sample will remain undecayed after 40 days?

Short answers