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The solar system questions

The solar system questions | form one Geography

Find The solar system examination questions, form one Geography in acaproso.com

# Question

The earth is said to be oblate spheroid because it is

  • spherical in shape
  • a flattened sphere
  • a planet
  • round

Multiple choices

The solar system is made up of
A sun, planets and interplanetary gases
B atmosphere and hydrosphere
C planets, clouds and gases
D clouds, wind and gases
E sunlight, gases, wind and clouds.

Multiple choices

Lunar eclipse occurs because
A the moon comes between the earth and the sun
B the earth comes between the moon and the sun
C the earth rotates from west to east
D the sun comes between the moon and the earth
E the moon, the earth and the sun are in rotation.

Multiple choices

About 98% of the matter making the sun is
A light and heat
B heavier elements
C tars and other heavenly bodies
D lighter elements of hydrogen and helium
E gases, heat and sun ray.

Multiple choices

Which one of the following is not an outcome of the rotation of the earth on its own axis?
A Deflection of winds and ocean currents
B Difference of one hour between two meridians 15° apart
C Day and night
D Seasons of the year
E Sunrise and sunset.

Multiple choices

Rotation of the earth results to:
A elliptical orbit
B change of seasons
C day and night
D leap year
E standard time.

Multiple choices

Which among the following is a heavenly body that possesses and transmits its own light?

  1. Moon
  2. Sun 
  3. Earth 
  4. Asteroid 
  5. Planet.

Multiple choices

The four seasons of the year are a result of

  1. Rotation of the earth
  2. Lunar eclipse
  3. Revolution of the earth
  4. Solar eclipse.

Multiple choices

When does the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere occur?

  1. 21st  June.
  2. 23rd  September.
  3. 21st  September
  4. 22nd  December

Multiple choices

The time increases by 4 minutes for every 1° of longitude when one travels from

  1. North to South
  2. East to South.
  3. West to South
  4. West to East.

Multiple choices