Agro-meteorology questions.
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# | Question |
1 | Weather and climate mean the same thing because they both relate to the state of the atmosphere at a place. True OR False |
2 | Fine growing weather across the farmlands of a nation can lead to misery to farmers. True OR False |
3 | The card in a sunshine recorder burns from East to West. True OR False |
4 | A humidity Slide Rule can be used to determine Relative Humidity, Vapour Pressure and Dew Point and is kept in the Stevenson Screen. True OR False |
5 | Cloud seeding enhances weather forecasting. True OR False |
6 | For each day a recorder misses taking data from a radiometer, they miss radiation data for two days. True OR False |
7 | Wind run is measured in ms-1. True OR False |
8 | At 08:00 Zulu a 100-cm ground thermometer would normally show a higher temperature reading than a thermometer set at 10cm depth, other things being equal. True OR False |
9 | Weather measuring instruments in Manual Weather Stations are set at standard heights and distances for convenience. True OR False |
10 | A ‘Transmissometer’ is the communication system in an Automatic Weather Station. True OR False |