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Agro-meteorology questions.

Agro-meteorology questions.

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# Question

Weather and climate mean the same thing because they both relate to the state of the atmosphere at a place.

True OR False

Fine growing weather across the farmlands of a nation can lead to misery to farmers.

True OR False

The card in a sunshine recorder burns from East to West.

True OR False

A humidity Slide Rule can be used to determine Relative Humidity, Vapour Pressure and Dew Point and is kept in the Stevenson Screen.

True OR False

Cloud seeding enhances weather forecasting.

True OR False

For each day a recorder misses taking data from a radiometer, they miss radiation data for two days.

True OR False

Wind run is measured in ms-1.

True OR False

At  08:00 Zulu  a 100-cm ground thermometer would normally show a higher temperature reading  than a thermometer set at 10cm depth, other things being equal.

True OR False

Weather measuring instruments in Manual Weather Stations are set at standard heights and distances for convenience.

True OR False

A ‘Transmissometer’ is the communication system in an Automatic Weather Station.

True OR False