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Applied plant pathology questions.

Applied plant pathology questions.

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# Question
  1. With an aid of diagram explain the function of acervuli in Ascomycota fungi.
  2. With examples explain the reasons for diseases on various hosts caused by Colletotrichum spp. are termed “anthracnose”
  3. With reasons explain the most devastating spore stage of wheat stem rust disease.

Long answers
  1. By considering pathogens, hosts, spore stages and symptoms disfferentiate wheat stem rust from cofee leaf rust.
  2. With examples , describe spore stages of macrocyclic autoecious rust pathogens of your own choice.

Long answers
  1. Describe the plant tissue where you would look for pathogenic bacteria causing vascular wilt disease.
  2. With examples explain how could weather conditions influence occurrences of disease epidemics
  3. Why usage of high levels of nitrogen fertilizers could contribute to the occurences and high severity of plant diseases?

Long answers

With examples differentiate the following

  1. Disease triangle from disease tetrahedron
  2. Plant disease from plant disease epidemics
  3. Early blight disease from late blight diseases of tomato

Long answers

Water is a requirement for the development of most plant diseases , for each of the situations below, indicate how water can be used to affect plant disease.

  1. Eradication of soil borne disease
  2. Prediction of foliar diseases
  3. Elimination of bacterial disease in sugar cane
  4. Management of foliage disease in greenhouse

Long answers
  1. Horizontal resistance is called small-gene resistance, because typically,  the effects of one gene are small.Why is it so that many plant breeders are trying to use this type of resistance to control plant diseases?
  2. Provide 5 methods that reduce initial inoculum in a field that is already infested.

Long answers

Place the letter of correct match in column A

Column A Column B


  1. Successiful infection
  2. Time between inoculation and penetration and appearance of the disease symptoms
  3. Time from infection until production of new inoculum (reproduction)
  4. Identification of the nature and cause of the disease problem
  5. The prospect of recovery  as anticipated from the usual cause of disease
  6. Even if the environment is good keep plants and pathogens away from one other
  7. Prevent introduction of inoculum
  8. Inactivates  the inoculum
  9. Inoculum increases exponentially
  10. Monocyclic disease
  11. Epidemiological concepts
  12. Pathogens, host, environment
  13. Many plants, large area, short time
  14. Management of seed borne diseases
  15. Polycyclic disease
  16. Number one cause of plant disease
  17. Blossom or fruit rot
  18. Early blight dieseases
  19. Late blight diseases
  20. Host factor for epidemics


  1. Prognosis
  2. No disease
  3. Exclusion
  4. Eradicate
  5. Verticillium wilt
  6. Bean rust
  7. Polyetic
  8. Pest-free areas
  9. Diagnosis
  10. Symptoms
  11. Latent period
  12. Decrease r and X_{0}
  13. Disease triangle
  14. Epiphytotics
  15. Incubation period
  16. Age of plants
  17. Phythophthora infestans
  18. Alternaria solani
  19. Botrytis spp
  20. Drought


Matching items

Always there are 4 different naming conventions for the same pestcide. Provide all 4 for any one fungicide of your own choice


For the attached label for Banrot 8G, explain the following

  1. What does 8G mean?
  2. What are the active ingrediaents?
  3. What is the use rate if mixed into a dry soil mixture, and bedding plants are to be planted?
  4. Name 5 genera of targeted pathogens
