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Human resource management questions.

Human resource management questions.

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# Question

Write short notes on the following terms as applied in HRM.

  1. Horizontal loading
  2. Storey`s key areas of emphasis
  3. Welfare Phase
  4. Human Resources Planning
  5. Hawthorne Effect of Experimenting

Short answers

Compare and contrast on the following

  1. Structural integration and functional integration
  2. Intensive reinforcements and extrinsic reinforcements
  3. Herzberg Two factor and Hierarchy of needs
  4. BARS and GRS
  5. Leniency-severity and central tendency
  6. Elaborate the concept of motivation using a conceptual framework

Short answers

Human resource management (HRM) is very humane. Substantiate this statement with vivid examples drawn from theoretical and practical orientation to HRM.

Long answers

According to a recent survey , most organizations continue to use job descriptions despite their disadvantages.

  1. Describe the purposes for which job descriptions are typically created
  2. Outline the likely contents of a job description
  3. Evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of job descriptions
  4. Suggest an alternative to job descriptions.

Long answers

There is increasing evidence that job candidates will knowingly make false or exaggerated claims about themselves on application forms and when responding to questions at interviews. They will also try to present a false image of themselves when responding to psychometric tests and when taking part in assessment centers.

  1. Outline and explain the steps that employers can take to ensure that the information they have about a job applicant is authentic and accurate.
  2. Describe and justify the actions that should be taken by an employer who discovers that a newly recruited employee is very competent but has falsely claimed to possess an important academic or professional qualification that was specified as a requirement in the company`s recruitment advertising.

Long answers

Forward looking organizations have always strived to put in place effective and efficient compensation plans and programmes. Discuss the emerging and best practices in compesation in Tanzania pointing out to both their merits and demerits.

Long answers

Sticks and carrots are at the pinnacle of organizational triumph. Substantiate.

Long answers

Write short notes on the following items

  1. Informal communication channels
  2. Behavior anchored rating scales
  3. Career
  4. Operatives
  5. Employee resourcing

Short answers

Compare and contrast between the following

  1. Training and learning
  2. Personnel management and Human resources management

Short answers

Performance appraisal should be a very valuable tool for ensuring the developement of both organisations and their employees, but regrettably it often fails to deliver these promised benefits.

  1. What are the possible purposes of performance appraisal?
  2. Explain why performance appraisal is sometimes ineffective and occasionally even counter-productive
  3. Outline the ways by which the personnel administrator can help to ensure that an organisation`s performance appraisal system does yield valuable outcomes.

Long answers