Internet programming and web server management. questions.
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# | Question |
1 | Write an object oriented PHP program with at least a and two functions that can display all the results online (using the browser) of the given “results.txt” using tables including the final mark which is calculated from 20% of the first test, 40% of the second tesdt and 40% of the UE and the grade of the final mark according to SUA grading standards. Thetable should have a bolded heading (centered) including the name of the name of the faculty, department and the name of the subject . Arrangement of the results is neatly required .The results should be in ascending order of the final mark of the students and not like how they appear in the results.txt At last , the results should show how many students have failed (final mark lower than 50%) and those that have passed. This lastline should be bolded too. It should also show the highest mark and the lowest mark, Remember, surnames of the students should be capitalized. NOTE: results text format: firstname,surname,first test results, second test results and UE results. The output table format: surname, firstname,first test, second test, UE, final Mark, grade, remark(PASS/FAIL).
Practical |
2 | Briefly explain about SQL Data Manipulation Language (give examples) Short answers |
3 | Briefly differentiate between static websites and dynamic websites Short answers |
4 | What are the features of OOP? Briefly explain Short answers |
5 | With explanations , give examples of Logic Exception. Short answers |
6 | Briefly explain about the following
Short answers |
7 | Write an Object oriented PHP script that calculates and displays the only multipe of 8 of the Fibonacci series elements in the range of 1 to 6000. Note: The fibonacci series start like this 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55... Practical |
8 | In PHP file upload lecture, we learnt a simple script to upload a file. Write a form to upload a file and then display the name, size and type of the file . Practical |
9 | Static website does instruct the browser how to render the page True OR False |
10 | Dynamic website generates the HTML “on the fly” based on parameters. True OR False |