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Introduction to animal behaviour questions.

Introduction to animal behaviour questions.

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# Question
  1. Define parental care in relation to animal behavior
  2. The form of parental care in animals vary with mating system, list the form of parental care in the following mating systems (i) monogamous (ii) polyandrous (iii) polygyny and (iv) Promiscuous
  3. Give four reasons on why male animals often “win” the conflict over parental care and eventually become the first to abandon the offspring.

Short answers
  1. List the cost (give four points) and benefit (give three points) of aggregation in social animals.
  2. Mention the five common charateristics of social interaction , which of these characteristics increase the fitness of an animal.

Short answers
  1. By definition , differentiate between kin selection and reciprocal altruism
  2. With one example for each outline four forms of social structures in animals
  3. By definition, differentiate between sub social and parasocial categories of social organization.

Short answers
  1. Differentiate between home range and territory of an animal
  2. Briefly describe any four types of territory occupied by animal
  3. Indicate any four ways animals used to defend their territories

Short answers
  1. Briefly provide seven major differences between human and animal communication
  2. By definition differentiate  between the three major approaches for studying animal behaviour.

Short answers