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Introduction to animal nutrition questions.

Introduction to animal nutrition questions.

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# Question

Animal water requirement is equally important like forage resources

  1. What are the metabolic functions of water in animal body
  2. What are the main sources of water for livestock
  3. Discuss factors affecting water requirement by animals

Long answers

Nutritional composition and digestability of forage determine animal performance

  1. Differentiate between cell contents and cell wall contents
  2. Discuss different plant physical and chemical characteristics affecting intake and digestability.
  3. What are the roles of carbohydrate diet to animals?

Long answers

Animal digestion systems are adapted to particular diet.

  1. Discuss the adaptive features of ruminant digestive system to fibrous diet
  2. Mention the roles of accessory organs in digestion systems of animals

Long answers
  1. With examples differentiate between catabolic and anabolic reactions.
  2. With aid of a well labelled diagram , describe the process of electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation

Short answers
  1. Briefly explain how you will determine the moisture content in a wet/fresh Chloris gayana in the laboratory. Provide an arithmetic expression of percentage moisture content.
  2. A steer weighing  314kg consumed 3.5% of its live weight  dry matter per day of Chloris gayana . If the animal was fed 40.2 kg of wet/fresh of Chloris gayanper day what was the dry matter percentage of Chloris gayananimal was offered per day?

Mathematical Calculation

What is nutrient? Is water a nutrient? Why or why not?

Short answers

What 4 functions does water perform in plants and animals? Describe the significance of water to living organisms

Long answers

Name and discuss the common sources of water

Long answers

What does the name carbohydrate mean?

Short answers

How important is water to our bodies?  How long can different animals live without it?  What percent of water is in the body of different animals?

Long answers