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Introduction to meteorology questions.

Introduction to meteorology questions.

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# Question

By stating the meaning of all symbols used, write the mathematical formular for each of the following radiation laws:

  1. Stefan-Boltzmann law
  2. Wien`s displacement law

Short answers

If the effective temperature at the Sun`s surface is T=5,785 K and the average surface temperature of Earth equal to T=288 K.Calculate the wave length that corresponds to the maximum of emmited radiation from the Earth`s and Sun`s surfaces.

Mathematical Calculation

Wind indicates that air flows from high pressure to low pressure areas in the atmosphere. Use any local wind system to show how this happens.

Short answers

An air mass is a …….. while a front is a ……

Fill in blanks

Mention the three principal air masses (and their source regions) that influence precipitation patterns over the East African region.

Short answers

With sketch diagrams, describe how you can represent the main four types of fronts on a weather map.

Short answers
  1. What is the difference between a thunderstorm and a hurricane?
  2. Explain any three cases of severe weather hazards of thunderstorms to aviation industry.

Short answers
  1. The figure indicate a completed pressure analysis of a certain  area of concern. Explain briefly how it is done and name the weather features indicated by letters H and L.


  1. Suppose that it is presently warm and raining . A cold front will pass your area in 3 hours. Behind the front it is cold and snowing. Make a persistence forecast for weather that will occur in your area 6hours from now.

Short answers

Define the following terms

  1. Atmosphere
  2. Meteorology
  3. Hydrometeors
  4. Photometeor

Short answers

Describe at least four(4) importances of the Earth`s atmosphere.

Short answers