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Management of dry lands questions.

Management of dry lands questions.

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# Question
  1. For management purpose, the drought cycle has been divided into four stages . Describe them.
  2. Select one stage and describe how livestock keepers and crop growers react for the survival in the dryland during that stage of the drought cycle.

Short answers
  1. Distinguish between agronomic and mechanical soil and water conservation measures
  2. Low soil moisture in the dryland is generally a result of low rainfalls. However, there are other causes of low soil moisture in the drylands. Describe them.
  3. Suggest solutions for the causes mentioned in (b) above.

Long answers
  1. Distinguish between conventional and conservational tillage.
  2. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of conventional tillage.

Short answers
  1. Define the following terms
  1. Climate change
  2. Climate change mitigation
  3. Climate change vulnerability
  1. Describe measures which can be taken as climate change adaptations in the drylands.

Long answers
  1. Using sketches, describe the following as used in the drylands
  1. Tied ridging
  2. Contour bund
  3. Rotational grazing
  1. Distinguish between fanya juu and fanya chini terraces
  2. Minimum tillage is so called because it involves minimal turning of the soil. Describe factors you will need to consider before advising a land user to do minimum tillage.

Long answers
  1. Define the term ‘dryland’ based on two attributes of your choice.
  2. Mention five specific areas in Tanzania which qualify to be called drylands.
  3. Describe the farming systems of Tanzanian drylands

Long answers
  1. Define the term ‘migratory species’
  2. Describe the importance of migratory species in the drylands?

Long answers
  1. Why is biodiversity important?
  2. Describe the drivers of dryland biodiversity loss
  3. Explain how the following affects dryland ecosystem?
  1. Climate
  2. geology

Long answers
  1. Define the term invasive species
  2. What factors contribute to the establishment of the invasive species in the drylands?
  3. With examples, explain the effects of invasive species in drylands.

Long answers
  1. How would you differentiate a dryland from a non dryland landscape by looking?
  2. Using a sketch, describe how soil compaction happens?
  3. What are the effects of soil compaction in the drylands?
  4. How will you identify the following in the field?
  1. Splash erosion
  2. Sheet erosion

Long answers