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Management of education and school administration questions.

Management of education and school administration questions.

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# Question

Democratic leadership style may lead to increase of production in an organization only when leaders are present.

True OR False

Downward communication in secondary schools aimed at transfering information from students and teachers to the head office.

True OR False

Autocratic leadership style may be appropriate when subordinates are educated , skilled and proactve.

True OR False

Fayol unity of direction explains that subordinates took orders from and being responsible to only one superior.

True OR False

The contigency school or approach to the management is premised from the idea that there is no one best way to manage an institution.

True OR False

Marx Weber defines Bureaucracy as a form of organization which is characterized by irrational goals.

True OR False

Formal organizations are seldom governed by one overriding goal that is “Survival”.

True OR False

Synchronized energy as whole is better than parts or organs working separately.

True OR False

Select the answer among the alternatives given in the column B that matches with the statement in column A, then write the letter of the correct responses on the blank space provided.

Column A Column B


  1. Human being in an organization is “ Homo economicus” only
  2. School program, community and physical facilities
  3. It is of short term and product oriented
  4. Focus on impact of teacher behavior to school output
  5. Administrative man model
  6. Leadership is a Conglomeration or a set of personality qualities
  7. There is no one best leadership style
  8. Management is the art of getting things done through people
  9. Team work
  10. People make comparison between themselves and others in terms of their inputs and outcomes


  1. Vroom and Yetton
  2. Fredrick Hersberg, Max Webber and O`Donnel
  3. Administrative roles
  4. Trait theory
  5. F.W.Taylor (1911)
  6. Herbert Simon
  7. Mary Parker Follet
  8. Micro planning
  9. Robbins (1933)
  10. Operational areas
  11. Fredrick Herzberg
  12. Espirit de corps
  13. Meso planning
  14. Contingency theory


Matching items

Write a word or phrase that best fits in the blank spaces provided

  1. Specific routine , roles or functions assigned to be done by the administrator in the organization___________
  2. People organize themselves in performing the given work under their own control without even being either forced or being supervised

Fill in blanks