Management of information systems (mis) questions.
Find Management of information systems (mis) university examination questions in
# | Question |
1 | Which of the following is the characteristic of a good information
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2 | which of the following are raw facts that describe a particular phenomenon and are stored in a computer for an organization`s processing needs?
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3 | Systems that help the firm identify customers for the firm`s products and services develop products and services to meet cutomers` needs, promote the products and services, sell the products and services and provide ongoing customer support best describe.
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4 | key to represent relationship between tables is called.
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5 | __ is the process of defining the current problem, determining why a new system is needed, identifying the objectives of the proposed system.
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6 | The different types of decisions while making decision in MIS are
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7 | The __ can help you choose a product
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8 | Information systems are composed of ___ basic components
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9 | __ were the original type of information system developed to support managerial decision making. An MIS produces information.
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10 | In management information system, which is the correct order of the reference of activities that the manager processes?
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