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Parasitology and entomolog questions.

Parasitology and entomolog questions.

Find Parasitology and entomolog university examination questions in acaproso.com

# Question
  1. Place the following helminths in their respective phyla and clasess – Fasciola gigantica, Onchocerca volvulus, Schistosoma bavis, Trichinella spiralis, Moniezia expansa and Paremphistomum microbothrium.
  2. Briefly describe the life cycle of Fasciola gigantica.

Long answers
  1. Highlight the salient morphological differenceses between Taenia Saginata and Ascaris suum
  2. What is the infective stage of Ascaris suum?. Explain how the infective stage enters into a pig and develops to the adult Ascaris Suum.

Long answers
  1. Explain how Diphyllobothrium latum could be distinguished from Taenia Saginata
  2. Briefly state the difference in life cycles of Taenia saginata and that of Taenia solium.

Long answers
  1. Using examples explain what is meant by the following terms
  1. Intermitent host
  2. Prepatent  period
  3. Infective stage
  4. Flame cell
  1. What is the infective stage of Trichmella Spiralis? Explain how the definitive host gets infected.

Long answers

This host is used in the life cycle of some helminths

  1. Identify it to genus level
  2. Name two helminths that use this host in their life cycle

Short answers

This is beef from cow seen at slaughter house

  1. Identify the cyst seen if any
  2. Name the adult worm to species level.

Short answers

This is a drawing showing the life cycle of a parasite

  1. Sketch and label the following: Intermediate host, adult stage of a parasite and infective stage
  2. Name the parasite

Short answers

This egg was seen in the stool of a school child

  1. Sketch and label salient features
  2. Identify the parasite to species level

Short answers

These parasites were seen in pork meat by using glass compressorium

  1. Identify the parasite as far as possible
  2. Name the Phylum, class and order in which this parasite is placed

Short answers

This Larva stage was seen from an acquatic snail

  1. Sketch and label the salient features
  2. Name this larva stage

Short answers