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Physiology of nutrition questions.

Physiology of nutrition questions.

Find Physiology of nutrition university examination questions in acaproso.com

# Question

Based on the nutritional point of view, foods are grouped under 3 classes; energy yielding , body building and protecive foods. Give a detailed account of nutrients and foods which fall under these classes.

Long answers

What is the importance of amino acids? Mention at least 3 amino acids and explain their functions.

Long answers

Discuss how blood glucose level is maintained by homeostasis. How is excess glucose stored in the body?

Long answers

Explain the roles of steroids in metabolism.

Short answers

Explain the roles of steroids in metabolism.

Short answers

You are a secondary school biology teacher in a community where there is no health care facility around. There aer reported several cases of miscarriage, perinatal and infant mortality, in addition to many people with visible goitre. There are mixed ideas on what is a problem and the causes. You are approached by the community leaders to give some technical explanation on the problem.

  1. What do you think is a problem in the community?
  2. What are the possible causes of a problem?
  3. What is you advice about the possible strategies to intervene?

Long answers

Define the term Transamination. Show the physiological importance of this process in carbohydrate metabolism.

Short answers
  1. Poor absorption of dietary iron is known to be one of the main causes of iron deficiency in the human body. What is the absorption mechanism and three factors affection iron absorption in the human intestinal wall.
  2. Copper is necessary for quite a variety of functions in the body , what are these functions?

Long answers

A large pat of hydrolytic digestion takes place in the small intestine ; briefly explain how pancreas, walls of small intestine and liver participates in the digestion of carbohydrates, protein and lipid.

Long answers

Distinguish between the following terms;

  1. Glycogenolysis and Gluconeogenesis
  2. Carboxypeptidase and aminopetidase
  3. Secretin and cholecytokinin-pancreozymin
  4. Marasmus and kwashiokor

Short answers