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Principles of curriculum development and evaluation curriculum development questions.

Principles of curriculum development and evaluation curriculum development questions.

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# Question

The reason why we change the curriculum is

  • to adopt programmes to suit economic changes
  • to adopt programs so that lerners become competent to solve socio-economic challenges
  • to adopt programmes so as to enable learners to respond positively to new environment.
  • to adopt programmes to suit economic changes

Multiple choices

Which one of the following is not true of the concept of curriculum change?

  • curriculum change always brings improvement and occurs continuously , however not all curriculum changes improves products.
  • As it is with other changes curriculum change is a process and not an event.
  • curriculum changes refer to the creation , selection, organisation  and utilization of human and material resources in new ways that result in  higher achievement of curriculum goals and objectives.
  • learning about curriculum changes is an  integral element of any serious curriculum reform processes.

Multiple choices

The three stages involved in curriculum changes are sequentially arranged as

  • initiation, legitimating and congruence
  • congruence, legitimating and initiation
  • legitimation, initiation and congruence
  • initiation, congruence and legitimating

Multiple choices

Introducing new desires and practices in curriculum design and implementation for higher achievements is the best definition of

  • curriculum change
  • curriculum innovation
  • curriculum development
  • all of the above.

Multiple choices

curriculum devlopment is driven by two forces driving and restraining . If changes and innovations are needed

  • driving forces must overweight restraining forces
  • restraining  forces must overweigh driving forces
  • none of the above must be adhered
  • all of the above has to be maintained

Multiple choices

Helical organization of curriculum content is normally influenced by

  • cognitive psychology
  • perennial philosophy
  • political influence
  • pedagogical influence

Multiple choices

One of the following is not true of the unique functions of Tanzania Institute of Education

  • Design , develop, review, update and monitor the implementation of curriculum at primary and secondary school levels
  • Technical advice to the government through the ministry responsible for education
  • Arrange and convene in-service teachers programmes, conferences, workshops and seminars on teaching/learning matters and strategies and methods
  • Identify specific areas for evaluation in terms of curriculum planning , implementation and assessment as well as co-curricular activities.

Multiple choices

Write the letter of item from list B against a corresponding item in List A

List A List B
  1. ``Making the whole to replace the old`` defines the term
  2. __ is the introduction of a new component or removal of an existing element without major changes of an old pattern
  3. __ is an example of the fear of unknown in curriculum change
  4. Teaching of evolution in schools will be misleading if the biblical theory of special creation is not studies into the curriculum. This is an example of __
  5. __ is an example of international accreditation body which influence curriculum organization.
  6. ``The world is in constant change`` is a contention of __ who influenced practical based teaching methods
  7. Focus the users` ideas on what they need and how to satify them. Usually, makes use of ideas from intermediate agencies such as schools.
  8. Characterized by disconnected instructions, meaningless learning, non motivating and disengage students.
  • Alteration of curriculum change
  • Religious influence on curriculum development
  • Relialism
  • Restructuring forms of curriculum change
  • Linkage strategy of curriculum change
  • Curriculum change
  • Political influence on curriculum
  • Addition type of curriculum change
  • Experimentalism
  • Self-concept
  • Open input strategy of curriculum change
  • Topic based curriculum
  • Curriculum innovation
  • Tanzania commission of universities (TCU)
  • Influence from the pressure groups: NGOs, Journalists, Lawyers
  • Concept based curriculum


Matching items

Are we doing it as planned ? and if not, why ? according to CIPP model, this is evaluation of ___

  1. process
  2. Input
  3. Context
  4. produc

Multiple choices

One of the following is not among the techniques that can be used to evaluate a rolling curriculum

  1. National examinations
  2. Continuous students` assessments offered at school
  3. Report from the employers
  4. None of the above

Multiple choices