Programme planning and evaluation questions.
Find Programme planning and evaluation university examination questions in
# | Question |
1 | Write short notes on the following as applied in programme planning and evaluation
Short answers |
2 | The process of evaluation involves three elements . With vivid examples briefly describe these three elements. Short answers |
3 | Write short notes on the following as they are used in programme planning and evaluation
Short answers |
4 | The process of evaluation involves three elements. With vivid examples, briefly describe the three elements. Long answers |
5 | Explain why it is necessary to have assumptions in extension programme planning. Short answers |
6 | Describe important aspects that should be considered when carrying out situation analysis for designing extension programme? Short answers |
7 | Describe major aspects that constitute extension programme outcomes. Short answers |
8 | Discuss the relevant issues that need to be addressed for effective execution of the work plan of any extension programme. Long answers |
9 | Describe any five criteria which extension agent and farmers should consider when selecting a suitable solution for a particular problem. Short answers |
10 | With the aid of an illustration explain the general sequence of completing the logical framework matrix. Short answers |