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Project management and research method questions.

Project management and research method questions.

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# Question

Define the following terms as used in project management and research method

  • Project
  • Feasibility study
  • Project management
  • Gantt chart
  • Dummy activity

Short answers

Describe the key competencies that a project manager must develop. 

Short answers

Explain the phases of project management life cycle

Short answers

A project is expected to yield a stream of costs and benefits over a life of eight (8) years shown in a table below.

Year costs benefits
0 100 -
1 40 50
2 30 50
3 30 60
4 20   70
5 20 120
6 20 140
7 20 150
8 20 150
  1. Calculate the project`s Net Present value(NPV) at the discount rate 10%
  2. Determine the project`s internal rate of return (IRR)

Short answers

The Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is considering the development of an information system for managing students` information. After conducting a project worth analysis, the following cash flow was drawn.

Task Activity Duration(Working days) Predecessors
A Requirements analysis 5  
B System design 15 A
C Programming 25 B
D Telecoms 15 B
E Hardware installations 30 B
F Integration 10 C,D
G System testing 10 E,F
H Training/Support 5 G
I Handover and go-live 5 H

From the information given in the table above

  1. Draw a network diagram
  2. Determine the critical path of the project
  3. Calculate the planned duration of  the project in weeks
  4. Identify any non-critical tasks and the float on each

Short answers

Describe the key steps to follow while designing a project based monitoring system

Short answers

Describe the difference between project monitoring and project evaluation

Short answers

Assume you have been assigned to undertake an evaluation of an IT project in your organization. Describe how you will go about undertaking the job.

Short answers

A good project evaluation exercise is supposed to be informative to the beneficiaries and other stake holders . How are you going to ensure  that the evaluation exercise ends up with a good report that serves as the instrument of change?

Short answers