Services marketing questions.
Find Services marketing university examination questions in
# | Question |
1 | What do you understand by the following terms as used in service marketing research.
Short answers |
2 | Why would researchers in service marketing opt to triangulate their research data? Short answers |
3 | Differentiate between the following concepts
Short answers |
4 | Very briefly and with the aid of a pictorial diagram describe important steps of service marketing research process. Short answers |
5 | What form can a service marketing research output take? Clearly describe 6 (six) different forms. Short answers |
6 | Concisely define and explain the assertions of gap theory as used in service marketing. Short answers |
7 | No marketing manager can say that the price arrived by him for the service offered is the correct price. This is very much true in service marketing. Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer. Short answers |
8 | What are the 7 Ps of Marketing mix in service marketing ? Discuss. Long answers |
9 | An efficiently operating marketing machine needs five important inputs in combination with the marketing concept to produce a marketing strategy. List and describe the each of these inputs. Short answers |
10 | Why is marketing strategy as an output of the marketing machine usually different for services? Short answers |