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Taxonomy of higher plants questions.

Taxonomy of higher plants questions.

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# Question

Summarize two ways through which metabolites are used as a source of information to delineate taxa.

Short answers

Perspective terms used to describe a situation where several individuals have been given the same name and where one individual has been assigned several names are :

  1. _________________ and
  2. __________________

Fill in blanks

Mention two distinguishing features that are exclusively present in Angiosperms  and can`t be seen in gymnosperms.

Short answers

Respective names that are given to an origin and to a copy of a plant specimen that are used as type specimen are

  1. _________ and
  2. _________

Fill in blanks

Mention the significance of the following adaptation in common in tropical rainforest Biome

  1. Drip tips
  2. Shallow roots

Short answers

Outline the steps that need to be followed in naming and describing a newly discovered plant species or taxa.

Short answers

Summarize any four reasons that make plant collection as part of plant identification to be the best way to learn plants .

Short answers

How can you use the following sources of information to put together or to delineate taxa

  1. Morphological information
  2. Chromosome information

Short answers

With examples summarize the possible confusions that used  to arise due to the use of vernacular names that have been eliminated through the introduction of ICBN.

Short answers

Briefly describe the primary characteristics that distinguish higher plants from lower plants.

Short answers