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Tourism policies and legislation questions.

Tourism policies and legislation questions.

Find Tourism policies and legislation university examination questions in acaproso.com

# Question
  1. Define the term policy.
  2. What would a policy oriented view tell tourism professionals about their role?
  3. Policymaking is only partly a rational process explain

Short answers

Write short notes on necessary steps in policy development process.

Short answers
  1. Describe the genesis/emergence of laws in Tanzania
  2. Mention the main types of laws that exist in  Tanzania and explain their roles.

Short answers
  1. Describe the general principles in criminal laws
  2. Describe the provisions that exist in criminal laws to protect people against victimization or unfair judgment

Short answers
  1. Define the term international law/convention/protocol
  2. Briefly explain the importance of international law / convention / protocol / agreements to the tourism sector in Tanzania.
  3. There are some differences between state laws and international laws. Mention at least 6 points that show the differences.

Short answers
  1. Mention two international laws / convention/ protocol/ agreements related to tourism industry that Tanzania has ratified
  2. Describe the significance of the above mentioned laws to the tourism sector in Tanzania.

Short answers

How can the policy sciences help tourism professionals develop a policy orientation and improve their effectiveness?

Long answers

Mention and explain the different typologies of participation in policy formulation process?

Short answers

Mention at least 10 limitations of public participation in policy making process.

Short answers

Write short notice on the genesis/emergence of laws in Tanzania

Short answers