Database as information systems questions | form three Information and Computer Studies

(1783) Question Category: True OR False

In database , tables have records which are columns and fields which are rows.

Answer / Solution


A database has fields (Columns) and records (Rows).

(1784) Question Category: True OR False

Database keeps all the information in a file about one person, thing and event.

Answer / Solution


A databse keeps data and not information.

(1786) Question Category: Short answers

Give four disadvantages of traditional databases.

Answer / Solution


(2762) Question Category: Practical

  1. Create a Database called STAFF SALARIES
  2. Create a Database within the database called HIGH GRADE SALARIES with the following details
NKOMO REASON Health Paramedics 012b4 Male $55,000
DUBE MIKE Transport Logistics 024v2 Male $56,000
MOYO SMILE Education Planning 022c2 Female $57,000
MUKANYA THANDO Education Curriculum 031d2 Female $58,000
HOVE STANFORD Information Mobile Film 021z3 Male $60,000
PHIRI CONSTAIN Technology Sciences 032c4 Male $64,000
WENGE KETINA Justice Constitutional Law 041m2 Female $68,000
ZISO MARTHA Mines Survey 014d7 Female $72,000
GUNDA KUDA Health Pharmaceuticals 055t6 Female $88,000
  1. Insert column AGES after Gender
  1. Delete all records related to Wenge
  1. Sort in Ascending Order of Surname
  2. Create a report of Staff Salaries and Name the Report as “Staff Report”
  3. Insert the Current date as the header of the report created in (f) above
  4. Create a Form which includes the current time and date

Answer / Solution


(5464) Question Category: Practical

The following table gives information on some staff members of a computer school called “ACAPROSO ACADEMY”. Use the information given to perform the given tasks (a)-(h).

Database as information questions form three ICT exams

  1. Design a suitable database to manage the information presented in the table , name it as “EMPLOYEE DATABASE”.
  2. Create a table using design view and enter the records above. Name it “EMPLOYEE TABLE”.
  3. Create a query displaying all the fields in the table above to filter out only employees from the information department. Save it as “INFORMATION DEPARTMENT”.
  4. Create a query that wolud retrieve records of people who were born between 1/1/1940 and 3/7/1960, save a query as “BBC”.
  5. The academy`s retirement age is 55 years. Create a query to filter out the employees whose ages are above 55 years. Name it “RETIREMENT AGE”.
  6. Create a form of the employee who are in retirement age. Save it as “RETIREMENT FORM”.
  7. Use the employee table to group the records by department , and create a report which include the current date and time in the header. Save it as “REPORT BY DEPARTMENT”.
  8. Print your Document.

Answer / Solution


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