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2024-05-02 Posts
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Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6808

Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writting the letter of the correct response from List B beside the item number of List A in your answer booklet. Each choice in column B may be used once or not at all.

List A List B
  1. They consist of cell wall made up of chitin materials.
  2. Have dry bodies with horny scales.
  3. Have scaly and moist bodies.
  4. They breathe through lung books.
  5. Consists of organisms which some parts of their bodies are covered by feathers and scales.
  6. Their bodies are covered with hairs and respiration is by lungs.
  7. External and then internal gills are present in their larval stages.
  8. They consist of exoskeleton to prevent desiccation.
  9. They consist of cell membrane only no cell wall.
  10. They consist of cell wall made up of cellulose materials.
  1. Animalia
  2. Osteichthyes
  3. Amphibia
  4. Coelenterata
  5. Arachnida
  6. Reptilia
  7. Mammalia
  8. Fungi
  9. Diplopoda
  10. Vetebrata
  11. Chondrichthyes
  12. Arthropoda
  13. Chordata
  14. Aves
  15. Plantae.
Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6809

Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response from List B beside the item number of List A in your answer booklet.

List A List B
  1. Large, inactive and non-motile unit of reproduction.
  2. Is a small unit capable of transmitting electrical impulses.
  3. It forms a lining of internal organs and vessels.
  4. Have irregular shape and are loosely packed in leaves to create a large air space.
  5. A group of neurones working together.
  6. It has no nuclei and their cytoplasm contain haemoglobin.
  7. It is column shaped and has numerous chloroplasts in the cytoplasm.
  8. Found in plants and is used for transport of food products.
  9. Smallest , active and motile unit of reproduction.
  10. Thick walled tube and is used for transportation of water and mineral salt in plants.
  1. Sperm cell
  2. Muscle cell
  3. Nerve cell
  4. Bone tissue
  5. Nerve tissue
  6. Egg cell
  7. Blood tissue
  8. White blood cell
  9. Red blood cell
  10. Xylem cell
  11. Phloem cell
  12. Animal cell
  13. Epithelial tissue
  14. Palisade mesophyll cell
  15. Sponge mesophyll cell


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6810

Match the responses in List B with the words/ phrases in List A by wrting the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

List A List B
  1. A state of physical and mental well being
  2. Attack and engulf foreign organisms
  3. Leprosy, tetanus, cholera
  4. Vitamin B1 deficiency
  5. Spreads diseases without being affected
  6. Chemicals on the surface of pathogens
  7. Ready made antibodies
  8. Removes pathogens
  9. Behaving in an acceptable way
  10. An epidemic across whole continents
  1. Beriberi
  2. Vector
  3. Good manners
  4. Pandemic
  5. Natural immunity
  6. Antibodies
  7. Bacterial
  8. Lymphocytes
  9. Personal hygiene
  10. Immunity
  11. Phagocytes
  12. Protozoans
  13. Scurvy
  14. Parasite
  15. Antigens
  16. Sneezing
  17. Healthy
  18. Endemic
  19. Yawning
  20. Passive immunity


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6811
List A List B
  1. A stage of growth in humans , characterised by rapid growth and a lot of physical and mental changes.
  2. A type of seed germination whereby cotyledons are pushed above the ground.
  3. The ability of seeds to germinate
  4. The region of most active growth in plants.
  5. A type of seed germination whereby cotyledons remain beneath in the ground.
  6. A pore which allows water into a seed during germination.
  7. Inability of a seed to germinate.
  8. Prevents a viable seed from germinating.
  9. A stage of family formation and parenthood in growth and
  10. A type of cell division whereby the number of chromosomes is maintained from parent cell to daughter cell.
  1. Meiosis
  2. Metamorphosis
  3. Radicle
  4. Plumule
  5. Hypogeal germination
  6. Adulthood
  7. Dormancy
  8. Epigeal germination
  9. Adolescent
  10. Cotyledon
  11. Mitosis
  12. Micropyle
  13. Hard seed coat
  14. Stem and root apices
  15. Viability


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6812
List A List B
  1. Receives impulses and gives appropriate response to stimuli.
  2. A gap through which impulses pas when traveling from one neuron to another.
  3. Receives impulse from the external stimuli and transmits it to the spinal cord.
  4. Controls and coordinates body balancing organs, thus making accurate movement possible.
  5. The nervous pathway taken by an impulse in a reflex action.
  6. Transmits impulse away from the spinal cord.
  7. Controls involuntary actions such as heart beats, breathing, sneezing and swallowing.
  8. Transmits impulses within the spinal cord.
  9. Concerned with reasoning, intelligence and judgment.
  10. Controls the pituitary gland.
  1. Synapse
  2. Effectors
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Biceps Muscles
  5. Motor neuron
  6. Peripheral nervous system
  7. Central nervous system
  8. Medulla oblongata
  9. Reflex arc
  10. Reflex neuron
  11. Cerebellum
  12. White matter
  13. Cerebrum
  14. Sensory neuron
  15. Affector


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6813

Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response from List B beside the item number of List A in your answer booklet. Each choice in column B may be used once, more than once or not at all.

  1. Pair of compound eyes raised on stalks
  2. Numerous segments each bear one pair of legs
  3. Numerous segments each bear two pairs of jointed legs
  4. Have well defined head, thorax and abdomen
  5. Consists of organisms which give birth to young ones
  6. Have four pair of jointed appendages
  7. Phylum which consists of Earthworm
  8. Phylum consisting of elongated round worm with  pointed ends
  9. Phylum consisting of endoparasites which have suckers and hooks on proscolex
  10. Endoparasites which have thin and leaf-like body
  1. Diplopoda
  2. Coelenterata
  3. Leech
  4. Arachnida
  5. Liver flukes
  6. Mammal
  7. Insecta
  8. Nematoda
  9. Platyhelmenthis
  10. Chordata
  11. Arthropoda
  12. Chilopoda
  13. Annelida
  14. Crustacea
  15. Vertebrata


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6814

Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response from List B beside the item number of List A in your answer booklet. Each choice in column B may be used once, more than once or not at all.

  1. The layer of cells sensitive to light
  2. Lacks light intensity cells
  3. Cells sensitive to light of low intensity
  4. Cell sensitive to coloured light intensity
  5. Control the intensity of the light entering the eye
  6. Control the shape of the lens
  7. Correct short sight
  8. Reduce reflection of the light within the eye
  9. Helps to refract the light into the eye
  10. Cause refraction of the light in the eye
  1. Aqueous humour
  2. Cornea
  3. Iris
  4. Eyebrow
  5. Retina
  6. Rods
  7. Blind spot
  8. Cones
  9. Eyelash
  10. Choroids
  11. Ciliary body
  12. Diverging lens
  13. Fovea
  14. Pupil
  15. Eyelids


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6815

Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

(i) A chemical breakdown of a substance involving addition of water
(ii) Double strand structure with base pairs
(iii) The vascular tissue which transports organic solutes in plants
(iv) Secondary sexual characteristics in man
(v) Female circumcision
(vi) Major cause of natural selection
(vii) May develop from a single fertilized egg
(viii) Allows nodding of the head
(ix) Similar structures due to common ancestry
(x) Pressure of the cell contents against the cell wall
A. Veins
C. Multiple pregnancy
D. Genital mutilation
E. Condensation
F. Mutation
G. Adulthood
H. Joint
I. Wall pressure
J. Pelvic damage
K. Hereditary unit
L. Phloem
M. Development of beard
N. Identical twins
O. Homology
P. Turgor pressure
Q. Nucleotide
R. Hydrolysis
S. Axis
T. Analogy


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6816

Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

  1. Useful materials are returned to the blood
    stream from the glomerular filtrate
  2. Gaseous exchange surface of insects
  3. Exchange of materials between blood capillaries and cell
  4. Deamination of amino acid and formation of urea
  5. A substance secreted in bloodstream but brings its effect elsewhere
  6. Allows movement in three planes
  7. The ability of seeds to germinate
  8. Plant parts best for planting Irish potato
  9. Chromosome occurring in unpaired set as in gametes
  10. Body covered with a hard exoskeleton
  1. Diploid
  2. Lungbooks
  3. Liver
  4. Arthropoda
  5. Seed dormancy
  6. Stem cutting
  7. Ultrafiltration
  8. Ball and socket
  9. Diffusion
  10. Hormone
  11. Neurone
  12. Seed viability
  13. Osmosis
  14. Hinge
  15. Stem tuber
  16. Selective reabsorption
  17. Trancheoles
  18. Haploid
  19. Mollusca
  20. Kidney


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6817

Match the phrases in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

  1. Separates the right auricle from the ventricle
  2. Carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body.
  3. Separates the left auricle from the ventricle.
  4. Supply food and oxygen to the heart.
  5. Thick-walled chamber of the heart.
  6. Carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
  7. Blind ended tubes with valves
  8. Have valves at regular intervals to prevent the backward flow of blood.
  9. Contains blood flowing under high pressure.
  10. Caused by narrowing of arteries.
  1. Aorta
  2. Arteries
  3. Atrium
  4. Bicuspid valve
  5. Coronary arteries
  6. Erythrocytes
  7. Heart attack
  8. High blood pressure
  9. Lymphocytes
  10. Lymph vessels
  11. Muscles
  12. Phagocytes
  13. Posterior vena cava
  14. Pulmonary artery
  15. Pulmonary vein
  16. Semilunar valve
  17. Thrombocytes
  18. Tricuspid valve
  19. Veins
  20. Ventricle


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6818

Match the items in List A with the responses beside each item nwuber.

  1. A disease transmitted by flea from rat to man
  2. Transpiration
  3. Causes change in body activity
  4. Outer zone of kidney
  5. Panting in a dog
  6. Care of pregnant woman before delivery
  7. Cotyledons remain underground
  8. Survival of the fittest
  9. Detoxication of poisonous substances in the body
  10. Vitamin C deficiency
  1. Cortex
  2. Medulla
  3. Liver
  4. Lung
  5. Cooling effect in hot conditions
  6. Heating effect in cold weather
  7. Prenatal care
  8. Postnatal care
  9. Meningitis
  10. Plague
  11. Cooling effect on plants
  12. Heating effect on plants
  13. Darwin
  14. Lamark
  15. Epigeal
  16. Hypogeal
  17. Scurvy/ bleeding gums
  18. Anaemia
  19. Effector organ
  20. Receptor organ


Question Category: Matching items
Question No:6819

Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

  1. The ability of the body to resist infectious diseases
  2. The main nitrogenous product excreted by mammal
  3. Inheritance of acquired characteristics
  4. Site for photosynthesis
  5. A fatty material that insulates the neurone
  6. Non-communicable reproductive tract disease
  7. The period of growth and development of a fetus in the uterus of a mammal
  8. The observable characteristics of an organism which are genetically controlled
  9. An image behind the retina
  10. A stage in meiosis where exchange of genetical material takes place.
  1. Diplotene
  2. Zygotene
  3. Lamarckism
  4. Darwinism
  5. Chloroplast
  6. Mitochondrion
  7. Immunity
  8. Vaccination
  9. Genotype
  10. Phenotype
  11. Myopia
  12. Hypermetropia
  13. Gestation
  14. Implantation
  15. Hydrocele
  16. Gonorrhoea
  17. Myelin sheath
  18. Node of ranvier
  19. Uric acid
  20. Urea



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