Evolution questions | form four Biology

(3404) Question Category: Short answers

(a) What do you understand by the following terms:
(i) Evolution
(ii) Acquired characteristics
(b) Outline merits and demerits of Lamerck's theory of evolution.

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(3405) Question Category: Short answers

(a) Name and explain any four theories of the origin of life.
(b) Outline two ideas of Darwin theory.

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(3406) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Biologists prefer using the term “natural selection” rather than “survival of the fittest” . Justify this statemnt.
  2. Explain the Lamarckian theory of evolution and its weaknesses

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(5072) Question Category: Multiple choices

Which one is correct about Cosmozian theory of origin of life?
A Life was brought in this Earth from elsewhere.
B Life arose according to physical and chemical laws.
C Living organisms arose from non-living materials
D The Earth and all organisms on it were created by God.
E The planet Earth and all the organisms have always been there.

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(5073) Question Category: Long answers

Describe four evidences of organic evolution.

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