Biometry UE Past Papers Questions.

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(2548) Question Category: Short answers

Briefly define the following terms as used in Biometry

  1. Treatment
  2. Experimental error
  3. Error control principle
  4. Experimental unit

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(2747) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

Given the following random observations on x_{1} , x_{2} and y. Fit a multiple linear regression line of y on x_{1} and x_{2}. Test for the significance of the regression line using alpha =0.05.

x_{1} -1 -1 -1 1 1 1
x_{2} -1 0 1 -1 0 1
y -4 -1 2 1 4 9


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(2748) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

An experimenter was investigating the effects of a type of fertilizer on maize performance. He had three different types of fertilizers which he randomized them on 10 different plots with fertilizer I being applied to 3 plots. Fertlizer II being applied to 3 plots and fertilizer III being applied to 4 plots.

  1. What kind of experimental design was this?
  2. Mention any two advantages and any two disadvantages of this design.
  3. The results of the experiment are given below, Is there a significant difference in the types of fertilizers with regards to maize performance?
Maize yield(kilograms) 20 15 10 25 8 11 16 30 12 14


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(2749) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

  1. Outline any two advantages and disadvantages of a Randomized Completely Block Design over a completely Randomized Design (CRD).
  2. It is suspected that students` performance differe across different methods of teaching. Four teaching methods were randomized to 16 students belonging to four different regions (Morogoro, Dodoma, Kilimanjaro and Mbeya). The regions were introduced to block the perceived variation among students` performance attributable to a student region of origin. The data are as shown below:
Kilimanjaro I,70 IV,90 III,50 II,80
Mbeya I,75 II,85 III,55 IV,100
Morogoro IV,95 I,75 II,80 III,60
Dodoma III,52 II,83 IV,93 I,72
  1. Test whether the teaching methods are significant.
  2. Compare method IV and method I in terms of influencing students` performance
  3. Are the blocks significant? What does the result imply?

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(2750) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

  1. A factorial experiment involving two factors, fertilizers and planting methods was conducted to study the influence of the two factors on maize growth measured in centimetres. Fertilizers had two levels (pork manure versus cattle manure) and planting methods also had two levels (1 foot wide versus 2 fee wide). In total there were 4 treatment combinations each replicated two times and the experiment results are shown below:
  Planting methods    
    1 foot wide 2 feet wide
Fertilizers Pork manure 10,8 20, 16
  Cattle manure 24,16 14, 16
  1. Find the main effects of planting methods
  2. Find the main effects of fertilizers
  3. Find the interaction effects between planting methods and fertilizers.
  1. A study was done by a third year B,Sc. Education student of Sokoine univeristy of Agriculture to find out the association between teachers intention to deviate from their profession against their age group. The student grouped 110 teachers from different schools in three age groups 20-30, 30-40 and 40-60 and got the number of teachers in each age group intending  and those not intending to deviate as shown in the table below.
  20-30 30-40 40-60 Total
Intending to deviate 25 15 5 45
Not intending to deviate 10 20 35 65
Total 35 35 40 110

Using alpha=5%, what could you conclude from the given observations?

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