Econometrics UE Past Papers Questions.

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(2077) Question Category: Short answers

Sometimes students mix econometrix and statistics definitions, how can you define econometrics.

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(2078) Question Category: Short answers

It is said that for any parameter that is estimated in econometric analysis, it should fulfill two important estimator properties. Discuss.

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(2079) Question Category: Matching items

Match the items from column A and B

Column A Column B


  1. Described by mean and variance
  2. Variance
  3. Covariance
  4. A model
  5. Correlation
  6. Multicollinearity
  7. Econometric statements
  8. Mean
  9. Expected value
  10. Dummy variable


  1. Linear relationship
  2. Structure shift
  3. Relationship strength
  4. Weighted average
  5. Measure dispensation
  6. Arithmetic average
  7. Normal distribution
  8. Real world processes
  9. Probabilistic
  10. Untrustworthy coefficient


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(2080) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

What is meant by testing a hypothesis and what is general procedure? In the same regard, what is one common use of such variable in economic analysis? Assume that you have two cropping seasons and you want to model this seasonality effect on yield, how will you model it and what are the key assumption(s) in executing the model, if the estimated linear model is of the form Y=eta _{0}+eta_{1}F+eta_{2}A+varepsilon , where Y is production per unit are F is fertilizer use in kilogram and A is area cultivated.

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(2081) Question Category: Short answers

Write the equation of the multiple regression linear model for the case of 2 and k explanatory variables.

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