Introduction to aquaculture UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3729) Question Category: Short answers

Give concise description of the following terms

  1. Stripping
  2. Broodstock fish
  3. Conditioning
  4. Brackish Water
  5. Pond crest

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(3730) Question Category: Long answers

Discuss the tangible merits of Fish farming in Developing Countries like Tanzania

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(3731) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Discuss how Tanzania is viewed as a prospective candidate for Aquaculture Industry
  2. As an expert describe the key factors considered relevant in assessing the prospective fish farmers.

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(3732) Question Category: Long answers

Propers site selection is an important task for the success of Aquaculture project,. Discuss with relevant examples wherever possible ten criteria for this task.

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(3733) Question Category: Long answers

  1. In Tanzania, aquaculture has shown  a rather poor or slow development. Discuss this trend of performance.
  2. Discuss practical measures that you are likely to propose to the government aimed at promoting Aquaculture development globally.


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