Plant physiology UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3718) Question Category: Short answers

Define the following terms

  1. Plasmolysis
  2. Glycolysis
  3. Photolysis
  4. Nitrogen assimilation
  5. Nitrogen fixation

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(3841) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Describe the functions of water in plant life.
  2. Discuss how water is raised to great plants heights
  3. How is water distributed in plants?

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(3842) Question Category: Short answers

A pot plant was watered and the pot enclosed in a plastic bag and securely tied around the base of the stem. The plant was weighed at 9.00am and 3.00pm. During this time, it lost 32 grams in weight. From these results;

  1. What was the rate of transpiration?
  2. Explain why this calculated rate might be inaccurate in
  1. Daylight
  2. Darkness

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(3843) Question Category: Short answers

Write short notes on the following

  1. Water potential in plants
  2. Factors determining mineral deficiency symptoms in plants
  3. Dark respiration and photorespiration
  4. Biological nitrogen fixation

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(3844) Question Category: Short answers

With an aid of a labeled diagram , explain the structure of root hair.

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