Democracy questions | form two Civics

(5436) Question Category: Multiple choices

Which of the following indicators would best guide you to determine a country practicing a dictatorial form of government?

  1. Citizens electing their preferred political leaders and holding them  accountable.
  2. Citizens enjoying fair and equal treatment before the law.
  3. Citizens punished for expressing personal views and opinions.
  4. Citizens exercising freely personal religious beliefs and worship.
  5. Citizens feeling their human dignity respected and safeguarded.

Answer / Solution

  1. Citizens punished for expressing personal views and opinions.

(5440) Question Category: Multiple choices

The Member of Parliament for Toroka Uje constituency resigned one year after the general election. What can be done to get another representative?

  1. Wait for the next general election
  2. Calls for by-election
  3. The President nominates another person
  4. The National Electoral Commission nominates another person
  5. Call for general election

Answer / Solution

  1. Calls for by-election

(5441) Question Category: Multiple choices

After researching democratic practices in country X, Mashaka established that citizens in that country stand for election, vote in elections, attend political meetings, join private voluntary organizations and protest against the government. To which principle of democracy does this evidence point?

  1. Rule of law
  2. Separation of power
  3. Citizen participation
  4. Free and fair elections
  5. Respect of human rights

Answer / Solution


(5455) Question Category: Long answers

You are invited to give a motivational speech to voters in Songambele village. Prepare five key points on the importance of democratic election.

Answer / Solution


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