Electro- magnetism questions | form six Physics

(5823) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

An aircraft is flying horizontally at 200ms-1 through theregion where the vertical component of the earth magnetic field is 4.0x10-5T. If the aircraft has a wing span of 40m, what will be the potential difference (p.d) produced between the wing tips?

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(5824) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

A toroid of inner radius 25cm and an outer radius of 28cm has 4500 turns of wound around it which passes a current of 12A. What will be the induction of the magnetic flux.

  1. outside the toroid.
  2. inside the core of the toroid.
  3. in an empty space surrounding the toroid.

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(5825) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

Derive an expression for impedance of a series R-C circuit.

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(5826) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

An alternating current (a.c) of 0.2 A r.m.s and frequency of frac{100}{2pi}Hz flow in a circuit containing a series arrangement of a resistor R of resistance 20Omega, an inductor L of 0.15H and a capacitor C of capacitance 500µF. Calculate the resultant potential difference (p.d) and the impedance of the circuit.

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